Edith's New
By HandPrince
Chapter 3.
Edith Writes A Letter
After a fruitless search of
the ground floor, Edith discovered her mother
resting upstairs in the master bedroom.
There, she lost no time regaling mama with her
tale of woe: how cruel, awful Miss Field beat
her piteously without cause, when poor Edith had
done no more than to innocently wish that Miss
Field be the last governess Edith would ever
need to have. And how wicked, horrid Miss Field
forced her to take a dreadful cold bath upon
pain of a second beating. And that Edith
feared she might catch her death from
consumption as a consequence. To Edith's
disquiet, mama displayed neither the shock and
nor the condemnation the child anticipated;
indeed she seemed strangely composed.
Remembering how Nanny had said "my poor lamb"
upon viewing Edith's flushed fundaments, the
little girl played her trump card. Hiking
up her skirts in a twinkling, she unfastened her
bloomers, allowing them to fall to her ankles,
then turned, bent over and presented her naked
backside to Mama. But the gasp of horror
Edith expected failed to follow.
Mama took a deep breath. "Yes
dear. Miss Field gave you a right proper
smacking, and left your hindquarters
salubriously blushed in consequence.
Please restore your knickers, that's a good
girl." Edith obeyed, and turned to face her
mother again, with mounting bewilderment.
None of this resembled the wished-for scenario
she had relished while confined to the
schoolroom corner. "My nanny spanked me
just as soundly at your age," her mother
continued, "and I daresay it did me a
world of good, although I also daresay I didn't
appreciate it in the moment. Should you
wish to avoid a repeat of that correction Miss
Field gave you, darling, you need only mind your
governess henceforth and behave
Bursting into tears, Edith
fled the room, ran to the night nursery all the
way in the east wing of the house, flung herself
onto her feather bed, and cried and cried into
one of her goose down pillows. How could dear,
dear Mama betray her so?? How could Mama take
beastly Miss Field's part and not Edith's??
Once her tears had abated,
Edith settled upon her next course of
action. Resolved to dwell not one day
longer than necessary under the tyranny of Miss
Field's punishing palm, she arose from her bed,
positioned herself before her desk, procured
pen, ink, and paper, and began to write.

In the schoolroom earlier,
Flora had sighed with satisfaction as her little
pupil's bootsteps receded into silence.
Neither she nor Edith had derived the least
pleasure from that interaction. But she
recalled how her own governess used bid her
recite Hebrews 12:11 while little Flora sat
teary eyed and chastened on her knee after yet
another soundly-administered correction. "Now no
chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous,
but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth
the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them
which are exercised thereby." Flora would
discipline her little charge diligently, as her
own governess had once done, in the sure and
certain expectation that Flora's labours should,
in the fullness of time, yield peaceable fruits
of righteousness in young Edith.
Across the fields the church
clock chimed the half-hour. Flora returned
to her room by means of the back stairs leading
to the maidservants' quarters, thus enabling her
to avoid common areas and minimise her chance of
encountering other members of staff.
Flora hadn't yet unpacked her
trunk containing the second-hand gowns her
benefactress had bestowed upon her. She now
opened it and began laying each on her bed,
overlapping one another like a hand of cards,
intent upon choosing the optimum dress to wear
for dinner with Mrs. Fogarty and Edith.
"Miss Field?!" came an
astonished little voice at her doorway.
There stood Lily, holding a large earthenware
jar in both her arms, which appeared to be full
of something heavy. "What're you
doin' 'ere?!"
"Miss Field?!" came an
astonished little voice at her
doorway. "What're you doin'
"I live here, Lily," declared Flora, smiling at
the sooty but comely little urchin. "This
is my apartment."
With a little gasp of alarm,
Lily awkwardly set down the jar and dropped a
respectful curtsy. "Please Miss, I meant
no disrespect just now. I's just so surprised is
Flora smiled to indicate that
Lily wasn't in trouble, then invited her to come
in and help Flora choose a dress to wear to
dinner with the Missus. Lily stepped in,
clad in the same faded frock and stained
pinafore she had worn yesterday, leaving her jar
in the hallway. But she glanced back uneasily
over her shoulder. "I mustn't stay long, Miss
Field. Cook sent me on an errand, she did," she
nodded in the direction of her jar, and with an
anxious expression, "she gets powerful cross wi'
me when I'm slow at me errands."
"I shall make my apologies to
Cook if need be, and tell her I detained you,"
replied Flora, enjoying the child's
company. "Mrs. Fogarty has invited me to
dine with her and Miss Edith tonight.
Which of these gowns ought I to wear?"
Lily turned her gaze to the
bed and gasped, "Oh Miss Fieeeld! They...
they're all so beautiful! Surely any one'll do!"
"But which do you prefer
above the others?" Lily gravely turned her
gaze from gown to gown for several moments, then
began bouncing excitedly on her bare tiptoes,
pointing animatedly at one with yellow and
orange patterns and leaf designs embroidered
onto its bodice with coppery thread. This
dress had autumn colours, she reasoned, so Miss
Field ought to wear it in honour of the
season. Flora concurred with Lily's
Closing her door, Flora then shed her blouse and
skirt, tightened her corset with Lily's "help,"
and donned the gown forthwith. Lily obligingly
stood on a chair and reached up to fasten
Flora's topmost button at the back of her neck
when she saw it giving Flora difficulty,
prattling happily that she felt like she was
helping Cinderella dress for the ball. As Flora
faced her mirror and applied a cosmetic touch
up, Lily looked on in delighted awe, enthusing
about how perfectly splendid Flora looked.
The child's guileless charm
had begun to steal Flora's heart.
Flora's notion of perhaps someday using her
knowledge of Lily's excursion above stairs to
compel Lily to do Flora some onerous service
receded in her mind somewhat, without vanishing
"Thank you, Lily. You
were truly helpful." Flora donned her
shawl and opened her door. "You may come
visit me again if you like." When Lily
spotted the earthenware jar where she had set it
in the hallway, she cried out in alarm, having
forgotten about her errand for Cook. She
scampered into the hallway, and stooped to pick
up the jar, when a voice thundered, "There ye'
be ye' little idler! I been a-waitin' on ye
since a quarter past! I'll fix you!"
Lily knelt by the jar,
cowering in fear as she watched the speaker
storm towards her down the hallway. Flora
stepped between Lily and Cook, the latter of
whom brandished a wooden spoon, and with her
most gracious tone, stated, "Please forgive Lily
for her tardiness, Cook. The fault is
entirely mine. I detained her on an errand
of my own. The child is quite innocent."
But rather than the concord Flora
anticipated, Cook instead surveyed Flora's gown
for a moment and declared, "Well if t' ain't
Miss High and Mighty all a-thinkin' 'erself so
grand and above 'er station!" Cook then made a
mocking, grotesque parody of something rather
like a bow and curtsy at once. "A-puttin' on
airs an' a-putting on that posh gown like ye's
gentlefolk when ye's a-drawin yer wages same as
the lot o' us!"

Cook then made a mocking grotesque
parody of something rather like a bow and
curtsy at once.
Struggling to maintain her
composure, Flora replied. "Yes, I too am a
member of staff. And you," she smiled, "are by
all reports a culinary mistress of rare skill,
widely sought after for your services. And
the Fogartys are fortunate to have you in their
employ. I don't consider you beneath
me. I-"
'Shut yer festerin' gob ye
tart! Out o' me way!" Cook shoved her ample body
past Flora, her greater weight nearly knocking
Flora off her feet, She seized the whimpering
Lily under her left arm, and strode off towards
the kitchen as Flora regained her balance. A
small crowd of maidservants who had begun to
gather at the turn of the hallway, drawn by the
commotion, parted to let her pass, then
Flora attempted to hurry after, but the group of
maidservants gave no notice of her presence, and
made no move to allow her passage through their
midst. So Flora followed the group around
the corner and down a narrow hall flanked by
apartment doors, then around a second corner and
down another such hallway. Eventually the
group stepped down one riser and after a few
more strides began to pass beyond the doorway of
the maidservants' quarters into the broader
common hallway.
But just as Flora had nearly reached the
doorway, a young man whom Flora recognised as
one of the footmen who had leered at her
yesterday, emerged from the hallway side to
place himself between Flora and the
"Is she bothering you?" he loudly asked Cook,
ignoring Flora. He carefully kept both his
feet in the common hallway, since placing a
single foot over the threshold to the
maidservants' quarters would have brought
immediate dismissal.
"She's been a-botherin' me ere sin'
she set foot under this roof yestereen,"
bellowed Cook, who then knelt on the hardwood
floor on her right knee and deposited the
whimpering Lily face down across her left.
The child burst into frightened tears at once,
imploring Cook not to whip her and whimpering
that she was ever ever so sorry.
"Cook! Please!" cried
Flora over the footman's shoulder in dismay,
"the child is guiltless! Vent your animosity
upon me if you must! But spare her!
She has committed no fault!"
Flora's plea only further
kindled Cook's wrath. "An' now ye' be
about a-givin' me orders an' a-tellin' me what'n
I oughta and what'n I noughta! Like yer me
better!" Cook swept up the skirt of Lily's
threadbare grey frock, confirming Flora's
suspicion that the child possessed no
undergarments. "I'll tetch ye to slack off
ye little truant!" bellowed Cook at Lily across
her knee, and then began swatting the child's
buttocks swiftly and forcefully with her wooden
"Cook! For Mercy's sakes!
Stop!" Flora nearly screamed. Lily wailed
with pain but made no attempt to escape from
Cook's grasp. Flora tried to step around
the footman, but he shifted position to prevent
her. He smirked as his eyes fixed upon the
small hint of cleavage revealed by the bodice of
Flora's gown, and positioned his cupped hands
such that her any attempt to push past him would
press both her breasts into his waiting palms.
Lily's broken, sorrowful
cries, to Flora's professional ear, were those
of a child whose chastisement needed to end at
once, even if such child had earlier been
wilfully naughty, which Lily had not.
Noticing Flora's dismay, Cooked locked eyes with
a grin of triumph. Pink crescent-moon and oval
welts from the spoon had begun to blush across
the pale flesh of Lily's bottom. She
then gave Lily's backside several more
especially hard swats without averting her eyes
from Flora's, then paused and to Flora, roared,
"how diya like THAT, eh'," clearly doing it to
vex Flora, as she waved the spoon in Flora's
direction. She then resumed swatting bawling
Lily's little buttocks, still staring directly
into Flora's eye. "How diya like THAT,
Miss a-putin' on airs?"
All at once, Cook's efforts
at vexation met with success as Flora's tenuous
hold upon her ladylike composure gave way. "How
DARE you strike an innocent child to spite ME!"
shouted the enraged Flora, "You... you...
base!... ignoble!... hardhearted!... CRONE!"
Turning to prevent the
gathered staff from seeing her tears, Flora
walked swiftly to the back towards her
apartment. But as she stepped upon the
riser, she trod on the hem of her gown, it being
a trifle long for her and needing taking
in. She fell ignominiously to the floor as
peals of laughter rang in her ears.
Gathering herself up, she lifted the front of
her skirt a bit higher, fled all the way back
past her apartment door, up the steep narrow
back stairs, and out of the building.
In tears, Flora strode out
into the parkland, paying little heed to her
surroundings, only wishing herself quit of that
house. She'd gone a good ways before she
spied a carven marble bench, lay down upon it,
and wept.
Her tears exhausted
themselves after several minutes.
Flora felt sad, but herself again. She
wondered, for the first time, if Cook had ceased
whipping Lily upon Flora's departure. How could
Flora abide under the same roof with that
execrable virago? But Flora needed her
governess position. She couldn't endure
the shame of returning to Miss Windgate's in
failure and without a reference. She must
somehow manage to cope.
Banishing dull care from her
mind as best she could, Flora turned her eyes
about for the first time. To her
wonderment, she found herself in a topiary
garden and rose to explore. Hedges
meticulously fashioned to desired shapes
abounded - there an elephant, and there a bear,
and there a rabbit, and so forth.
Wandering further she discovered taller hedges
trimmed to form a modest sized labyrinth, and
briefly lost herself before finding her way back
out again.
All at once the wind rose,
scattering fallen leaves as trees swayed gently,
sighing in the cool gusts. Dark clouds had
begun to roll in with surprising swiftness, and
occasional drops of rain began to strike
her. Flora wrapped her shawl tighter about
herself, glad she had thought to bring it.
Concerned that she not appear at Mrs. Fogarty's
table bedraggled, or late, (both seemed equally
reprehensible), Flora lifted her
slightly-too-long skirt sufficiently to run for
the east wing, the nearest portion of the
manor. Upon reaching its wall, she
discovered no ground level doorway nearby. But
up a flight of wrought iron steps, a fire door
opened into the upper storey. Ascending
those steps in haste, Flora beseeched Providence
for an unlocked door, as fresh drops peppered
her with increasing frequency. With
relief, she found her prayer answered, and
entered just as a crack of thunder resounded and
rain commenced in earnest.
Faced with a choice of
turning either left or right, Flora chose the
former and began to notice that rooms she passed
all had their furniture and paintings covered
with sheets, and appeared a wee bit dusty.
Eventually concluding that her way to the dining
room likely didn't lead through a closed up
portion of the manor, Flora retraced her steps
and took the rightward passage. Her steps
quickened at the peal of the dinner bell.
Rounding a corner, to her relief, she found
herself in the hallway onto which the nursery
opened. She knew her way from here.
Abruptly, a small, beribboned figure clad in a
red and white candy-cane frock and lace pinafore
dashed from the nursery door and down the
hallway in the direction Flora was
walking. Edith plainly hadn't seen Flora,
and had hence committed no fault for failing to
curtsy. Flora wondered if perhaps Mrs.
Brown were in the nursery and she stepped in to
see if Flora could be of any assistance.
Mrs. Brown was nowhere in
sight, but glancing at herself in a mirror in
passing, she realised with alarm that she looked
a fright. She doused her face in chilly
water multiple times, to clear away
tear-streaked rouge and evidence of her earlier
tears. She slapped both her cheeks smartly
several times to bring out her colour in lieu of
rouge, dried herself and turned to go. But
a sheet of paper on Edith's otherwise spotless
little writing desk drew her attention as she
passed. There, in her pupil's childish
hand, lay the following missive:
Dearest Papa,
I miss you
teribly and I think of you every singel day
and I send you my love every singel day.
I pray that you shall come home very very very
soon. Please tell mama to dismis my new
governes Miss Field. She beets me horibly and
made me take a dredfull cold ba
There the letter ended, in
all likelihood interrupted a minute earlier by
the dinner bell. Flora froze. Had
she obeyed her first impulse, she would have
tossed it onto the fire. Checking herself,
she set the letter back in its place.
Edith would surely compose a second missive of
like content should this one vanish.
But what if Mr. Fogarty wrote back in response,
ordering Edith's mama to give Flora the sack, as
papa's pouting puss in pinafores prescribed?
Flora walked quickly in the direction of the
dining room fearing herself already a bit
late. She wished she could have some quiet
time for a walk, or better yet a sleep, to
consider her predicament. But she mustn't
keep Mrs. Fogarty waiting!
As she gained the ground
floor and approached to the dining room, Flora
paused, breathed deeply, and strove to compose
herself. Then she entered, made her
courtesy to Mrs. Fogarty at the table's head,
acknowledged Edith directly across from herself,
and took her seat. Apologising for her lateness,
she explained that she'd taken a turn in the
gardens, lost herself in the labyrinth for a
spell, had entered the manor from an unfamiliar
doorway only to become lost anew.
"Are you unwell, Miss Field?" inquired Mrs.
Fogarty, "you look rather pale. And I
daresay your eyes are most uncommonly
red." Flora felt thoroughly unwell, but
not in the manner her employer imagined. She
replied that she was in good health, but that
she'd just had an upsetting experience.
"Whatever could have upset
you so?" inquired Mrs. Fogarty, regarding Flora
with concern.
"I was dressing for dinner,
Madam, and Cook had sent the new scullery maid's
little daughter on an errand, and she-"
Mrs. Fogarty silenced Flora
in mid-sentence with a decisive swish of her
hand. "My dear Miss Field! Surely
you aren't preparing to trouble me with tales of
quarrels among the servants? and at dinner no
less?" She concluded her rhetorical question
with a haughty movement of her head precisely
like Edith's when the child had first entered
the schoolroom that morning. Flora
coloured, murmured an apology and promised that
such an error on her part would never be
"Mama?" asked Edith, who had
sat at attention in her chair immediately upon
hearing Flora's earlier reference to Lily.
Once in receipt of permission to speak, Edith
mentioned that she'd seen that little servant
girl that morning and she had no shoes.
Mayn't Edith have permission to give the little
girl one of Edith's own pairs?
Mrs. Fogarty dismissed
this notion with another wave of her hand, "A
servant girl's big feet would never fit into
your dainty shoes, dear. Besides, our
kitchen is warm. She shan't have need of
shoes there."
"Oh Mama!" cried Edith
in frustration, "Please?! Mayn't we just TRY and
see if my shoes do fit her? I have ever
so many shoes, and she has none!"
"Edith! That is not the
proper tone to use while addressing your
mother!" Flora warned, frowning across the table
at her young charge, who feigned deafness while
continuing to gaze imploringly at her Mama.
"No dear, you shall not give
that dirty little urchin your shoes or anything
else of yours. When you are older you will
understand - such things aren't done.
Today we give a servant something of ours, and
then all the rest of them become jealous and
want something too, and then they all want more
and more." After a moment's reflection,
she added, "And proper young ladies oughtn't to
fraternise with lowborn servants, dear.
Heaven knows what manner of wicked pastimes,
unwholesome habits, and reprehensible opinions
you might absorb from keeping company with the
likes of her. No, dear, mama forbids you
from associating with that girl."
"MAMA!" protested Edith,
angrily, "that isn't FAIR! Mayn't I at least
TALK to her??"
"You will NOT address your
mother in that tone, young lady!" Flora scolded.
Edith's eyes met Flora's briefly, her expression
a sad pout. Flora glanced at Mrs. Fogarty
to ensure she had Edith's Mama's support.
She had. Flora yearned at that
moment to put in a word on behalf of Lily's
character, but thought better of it. Flora
had already once, at that table, forgotten her
place. And she dared not risk a second
such fault lest she further damage her new
employer's evolving impression of herself.
After a moment's silence,
Mrs. Fogarty continued, "Indeed you may
not. Mama forbids you to speak to that
little girl again."
"But Mama-" Edith began, in
an anguished voice, then checked herself with a
glance in Flora's direction, unsure how to
continue without risk of again taking what Miss
Field might deem the "wrong tone," and of the
painful consequence which might result
"That will be quite enough,
Edith," her mother declared. "We shall
hear no more on the matter. And if I
receive reports that you have disobeyed me and
fraternised with that girl?" She paused,
glancing with a half smile at Flora, then
returning her gaze to her daughter, "I shall
send for Miss Field to give you a right proper
smack bottom, just as she did this morning!"
Crushed, defeated, eyes
moistening, the little girl fell silent.
The hors d'oeuvres came and
went, followed by a course of asparagus spears
in a delicate hollandaise sauce. Next came
a course of some sort of fish, prepared to
perfection with lemon slices and minced garlic,
and after that, veal cutlets thinly sliced with
mushrooms and herbs. Flora, enthralled by
Cook's culinary prowess, stifled her impulse to
praise the food aloud, not wishing to appear
common. A delicious roast pigeon followed,
and Flora found herself wishing she and Lily
hadn't tied her corset quite so tight earlier.
As their meal proceeded, and
rain beat upon the windowpanes, the two women
conversed, in both English and French, and
discovered ever more areas of common interest in
the realms of literature, art and music. Flora's
erudition and amiability charmed Mrs. Fogarty,
as Flora intended they should.
Carefully noting her employer's countenance,
Flora took care to declare herself entirely in
concord with Mrs. Fogarty's every opinion - from
the praiseworthy virtues of Baudelaire and
Brahms to the unpardonable flaws of Swinburne
and Wagner. By all appearance, Mrs.
Fogarty steadily warmed towards Flora, the
governess's earlier faux pas
forgotten. She grew more animated as well,
especially after her second glass of
claret. (Flora imbibed only a fraction of
her own glass, wishing to have her full wits
about her.)
Out of the corner of
her eye, Flora noticed Edith alternatively
poking at her food, and regarding Flora
coolly. The child's appetite appeared to
have deserted her.
When the dessert course
arrived, a chocolate pudding topped with sliced
strawberries and crushed hazelnuts, the footman
behind Flora - whom she had scarcely noticed,
having given Mrs. Fogarty her undivided
attention - brushed against her while setting
down her cup. "Dreadful sorry M'lady," he
drawled insincerely, with a faint note of
sarcasm. Flora froze. He had moved
his forearm first down then up, along the side
of her right breast, quite purposefully, as if
assessing its resiliency. Mrs. Fogarty
seated to Flora's left couldn't have noticed,
and likely neither had Edith. Turning in
her seat, Flora recognised him as the young man
who had earlier blocked her passage while Cook
administered Lily's whipping. Flora's lips
pursed and jaw tightened at her surging impulse
to scream with indignation, or better yet, slap
the face of that young cad with all the skill of
one long-practised in the art of laying painful
slaps upon bare flesh. But of course, she
did neither. How could she inform Mrs.
Fogarty of what had just transpired, without
being vulgar herself in the process? And
how could Flora broach so indelicate a matter in
Edith's presence?
And when Mrs. Fogarty chose
that moment to declare that Flora should
consider herself welcome to dine with them every
night henceforth. Flora's private rage now
paired with astonishment and delight. She
needn't have dinner in the servants' hall at
all! Edith straightened in her chair at
once, her mouth agape. "But Mama!" the
child nearly shouted, "she's a SERVANT!!"
"Hush, dear," scolded Mrs.
Fogarty, "you know better than to speak at
dinner without first seeking Mama's
permission. It is decided. Miss Field
shall dine with us nightly."
With an audible sob Edith
sprang from her chair upsetting it with a
clatter and fled the room.
Flora took a deep breath, and
with all the calmness she could muster,
observed, "Mrs. Fogarty, your child addressed
you in an impertinent tone and disobeyed your
rule about speaking at table without permission.
Also, do you permit her to leave your table
without first asking to be excused?" When
the woman shook her head No, Flora continued,
"Edith has just disobeyed two of your rules in
under half a minute's passage. May I have
your leave to discipline her?"
"Oh she didn't mean anything
by it," responded Mrs. Fogarty languidly, "she
was merely upset and forgot herself.
Besides," she indicated Edith's uneaten pudding,
"she has already chosen to go without dessert. I
believe that will do."
Eating her pudding slowly,
Flora scarcely tasted it, utilising this lull in
conversation to reign in her emotions and gather
her thoughts. Once the two women had
finished their dessert, Flora launched into a
soliloquy in praise of the beauty of the
Wippingham manor and grounds, praise of Edith's
promising artistic skill, and how privileged she
felt at being governess in such a splendid venue
to such a worthy family. Flora concluded
with a wish to mail Miss Windgate a letter
overflowing with comparable effusions. She
then inquired, as if the thought had just
entered her mind, how does one post a letter
Mrs. Fogarty explained that
one need only place one's missive in the
sterling tray by the main entryway where one of
the servants will secure it promptly at 11 each
morning and ride it into town.
And upon hearing those words,
the tempest in Flora's mind subsided.
She now had a plan.