Edith's New
By HandPrince
Chapter 9.
Edith Has Her Dinner
"If you don't
eat your meat," declared Flora firmly, as she
reached across the nursery table and shifted
the bowl of tapioca off of Edith's tray and
out of her reach, "you can't have any
"But Mama doesn't make me-"
"You aren't dining with Mama tonight, my
girl," interrupted Flora. "She has
important guests over for dinner as you well
know, and hence you are dining here in the
nursery with nanny and me. And at
this table, Mistress Fogarty, your
governess' rules apply, not your
Mama's." The child stared at her plate
in glum silence. "You have scarcely
touched your roast ptarmigan," Flora
added. "I shan't permit you to forgo
sound nutrition only to fill up on
sweets. Now finish your meat like a good
girl, and no back chat."
"But Miss Field! It's not f-"
"I said no back chat!" snapped Flora
and silenced the child with a stern
look. Edith sullenly lowered her gaze to
her plate once more but made no move to
eat. Several moments passed as Flora
gave nanny a glance of apology for this
unpleasant interlude during the woman's dinner
Flora had weighed Edith's table manners and
found them wanting ever since her first
evening dining with the Mrs. and Miss
Fogartys. But Flora had avoided
admonishing Edith except for behaviors for
which she had first heard Mrs. Fogarty
admonish the child; and those came only
infrequently. Flora could not risk
the diminution of her authority in her
young charge's eyes sure to follow upon
witnessing her governess overruled by
Mama. And she relished this evening's
brief opportunity to instill better deportment
in the child now that Edith's
governess's authority held
sway at her dinner table for once, rather than
her Mama's.
"I'm not hungry," exclaimed Edith,
sulkily. She had felt hungry when she'd
first sat down with nanny and Miss
Field. But this had been her most
unpleasant dinner in memory, perhaps
ever. Miss Field kept finding fault with
her, ordering her to sit up straighter,
chiding her as unladylike for taking too large
of a bite, scolding her for chewing with her
mouth open when Edith didn't believe she had
done so, and then condemning as 'backchat'
Edith's protestations of innocence in that
regard. And Miss Field had twice
upbraided her for an absentminded elbow on the
table, and once for reaching for the salt
rather asking for it to be passed.
Edith's appetite steadily
waned and her petulant indignation waxed
as found herself repeatedly in the wrong and a
recurrent target of Miss Field's
disapprobation. She hid her anger as best she
could, although this task steadily increased
in difficulty. But hide it she must,
knowing Miss Field quite capable of deeming
certain tones of voice or facial expressions
matters for discipline should they manifest
themselves too obviously. But oh
Heavens! A tapioca pudding would taste so
heavenly now and would surely lighten her
wounded spirits!
"Very well then," replied Flora with a
smile, "your pudding shall not go to
waste. I am quite fond of tapioca
actually. Perhaps, nanny," Flora glanced
towards Mrs. Brown, "you and I, shall split
Edith's bowl between us?" Nanny nodded
"OH!" wailed Edith and exploded from the table
in tears, knocking over her chair in her rush.
She fled through the entrance-way into the
adjoining night nursery, flung herself face
down onto her bed, and gave way to a flood of
furious crying. Crouching in a corner of
her mind lay the awareness that she'd just
been dreadfully naughty. But she'd been
an overfilled balloon - burst asunder by one
final prick. And as her rage, frustration, and
unhappiness poured out into her pillow, the
prospect of a smacking from Miss Field seemed,
for a few moments at least, of trifling
Flora excused herself to nanny and rose
to follow.
"That were an awful lot of new rules for her
to learn all at once," exclaimed Mrs. Brown,
with concern, "a few too many perhaps."
"Or perhaps," retorted Flora, regarding the
woman narrowly, "haste is of the essence since
she plainly has a great deal of catching up to
"That she does, that she does. But there
is only so much one can expect the poor mite
to learn in half an hour."
"I shall be the judge of that," snapped
Flora as she disappeared through the doorway
into the night nursery, ignoring the woman's
parting plea that Flora "not be too severe"
with the girl.
Standing beside Edith's bed in the dimness,
Flora commanded, "Stop! This! Nonsense! At!
Once!" clapping her hands loudly five times to
punctuate each word. Thought
Flora, as she
seated herself on the girl's
there can be no gainsaying
the efficacy of hand claps in
winning the attention of a child previously
chastised by those selfsame hands.
The sharp reports of Miss Field's claps, and
her tone, spurred Edith to quickly twist onto
her back lest the seat of her dress prove too
tempting a target for Miss Field's palm.
And she strove to swallow her tears as best
she could. A horrid feeling of dread
rebounded from that corner of her mind in
which it had crouched moments earlier.
Her fleeting courage passed. The
terrible prospect of being turned over Miss
Field's knee now felt every bit as
consequential as ever - fear having all but
replaced fury.
Mrs. Fogarty had informed Mrs. Brown earlier
that nanny was to accompany Edith to the main
dining room after dinner when sent for.
It was Mrs. Fogarty's wish that Edith don her
very best Sunday frock and be made especially
presentable, so as to charm the Earl and
Countess Reddend for a few minutes with what a
well-behaved and pretty daughter the Fogartys
had, followed by her restoration to the
nursery. Mrs. Fogarty hoped to win their
sponsorship for her upcoming charity event to
benefit the village clinic, and would be most
displeased if Edith appeared teary eyed and
out of sorts. And she would likely hold
Flora responsible should that occur.
Flora frowned as Edith dried her
face with the apron of her pinafore and
shifted herself into a sitting position
beside her governess. "P-please
Miss Field! I'm ever ever so so so sorry!"
Edith entreated, taking Flora's left hand in
both of hers and looking up imploringly at her
governess. "I-I didn't mean to be
naughty just now! It just happened!
Please oh please believe me!"
Flora discerned
at once that Edith spoke truly.
Still, naughtiness is naughtiness even when it
"just happens," as tantrums so often do.
Under normal circumstances Edith would be
receiving her spanking now as remuneration for
her ill-mannered outburst. But
circumstances were far from normal.
Flora had no desire to spoil the impression
her employer wished to make upon the Reddends
by sending Edith swollen-eyed, distraught, and
obviously freshly-smacked, to be presented to
the Lord and Lady below. But she also
had no intention of allowing Edith to discern
this fact, lest the child look for ways of
twisting such disciplinary hesitancy on
Flora's part to Edith's advantage in future.
Miserable with suspense, Edith
stammered out the question foremost in her
mind. "Miss Field... a-are you," she
tried to swallow, failed, then continued, "are
you... g-going to whip me now??" The
child's shoulders hunched with anxiety and her
small frame shuddered slightly as she uttered
those last words. Her gaze fell from her
governess's eyes to her governess's lap.
Regarding Edith sternly, Flora feigned
indecision. "That depends," she replied
slowly in an ominous tone, continuing to
regard the child sternly, as if mulling over a
weighty decision as yet unsettled. Edith
took a breath and opened her mouth preparing
to speak, but Flora silenced her with a finger
across her lips. "You may not speak
until you are given permission!" Edith
hung her head again and silently upbraided
herself for having gotten herself into this
parlous circumstance.
"Edith, look at me." The child
raised her gaze to Flora's. "At table,
did you decide beforehand, 'I shall run from
the room without asking to be excused because
I wish to be willfully naughty,' and then you
did so?" Edith emphatically shook her
head from side to side, uncertain if she was
permitted to speak yet. "Or, on the
other hand, did you act before you had a
chance to think?" An emphatic up and
down shake of a little head followed.
"So you weren't wilfully naughty, and that is
to your credit. Still, your misbehavior
just now exhibited an absence of self
control. No one possesses the virtue of
self control at birth. It must be
instilled in children... by means of discipline!"
Flora allowed that portentous word to hang in
the air for several seconds as Edith squirmed
with unease. "For your lack of self
control," lied Flora solemnly, "I'm rather
inclined to put you over my knee and spank
you good and proper!"
By the light through the open doorway leading
back to the day nursery, Flora noticed with
satisfaction tiny glistening specks of
moisture beginning to appear on Edith's
forehead. Since a spanking isn't truly
an option, thought Flora, a bit of wholesome
fear must suffice in its stead. "But
perhaps," continued Flora,
as if newly viewing the question from a
fresh perspective, "that
might be overly hasty." She took Edith by her
hand and rose from her bedside. "Come
with me."
Edith followed Miss Field back into the day
nursery and to her place at the table.
Miss Field explained that Edith would now have
another chance to show she had sufficient self
control so as not to warrant a dose of
discipline. Edith nodded silently, still
wary of Miss Field's earlier admonition not to
speak unless given permission. And how
could she ask for permission to speak without
first speaking, and thus risking being deemed
willfully disobedient for doing so??
Miss Field explained that Edith would
demonstrate her self control by finishing
every bit of her roast ptarmigan. Edith
regarded her plate, and found it a loathsome
sight. Her meat had gone cold, and Edith
had never liked ptarmigan even when it was
hot, at least not how Cook prepared it, in a
greasy onion sauce which had now
congealed. But,
like a slavering wolf standing over a
cornered rabbit, the
frightful possibility of yet another smacking
across Miss Field's knee loomed ever present
in her mind. So Edith steeled herself to
her task. She took bites as large as she
dared take without risking making Miss Field
cross, and swallowed each as quickly as she
could with a minimum of chewing.
As Edith undertook her assigned exercise in
self control, Flora contemplated the child's
general conduct in the days since her
introduction in the master bedroom to that
novel use of Mama's hairbrush. Flora had
felt then that Edith's chastisement had
concluded prematurely, without fully thawing
the icy hardness of disobedience in her young
heart and thus bringing forth the warm
softness of compliant repentance. And
Flora now deemed herself vindicated in light
of the child's subsequent misbehavior and
attitude. A quick learner when it suited
her, Edith had rapidly gained insight over the
past fortnight regarding just how much Miss
Field would allow her to get away with,
without quite crossing the line and earning
herself a chastisement.
Nanny and Miss Field silently exchanged
glances as she methodically cut pieces off her
slab of meat and in short order transferred
them to her mouth and then to her stomach,
until at last every bit was gone.
"That's my good girl," cooed nanny, relieved
that Edith appeared to be out of
trouble. Miss Field appeared to relax
somewhat as well. Perhaps, Edith
wondered, might I be allowed my pudding
But suddenly even tapioca pudding didn't seem
appetizing any more. Indeed, with a
growing sense of alarm Edith realized she had
better not put anything else into her stomach,
as her urge to vomit gradually grew. If
only she were permitted to speak! She
hoped her nausea would pass, but instead it
just grew steadily more urgent. Edith
realized that she would have to visit the
water closet and soon. But she had
already narrowly escaped a smack bottom that
evening for rushing from the table without
asking to be excused, and she dared not repeat
that selfsame infraction now. But how
could she ask to be excused without disobeying
Miss Field's command not to speak until given
permission?! ?
"PleasemayIbeex-" Edith covered her mouth with
both hands and rushed towards the bathroom,
her stomach spasming violently. Some
vomit had already squirted between her fingers
by the time she reached the water
closet. Closing her eyes, she removed
her hands from her mouth and gave her tummy
liberty to convulse at will. Two long
heaves came in close succession, followed by a
shorter one after she'd had an opportunity for
several deep breaths. The emptiness of
her stomach came like a blessed relief.
But with a stab of fear, Edith felt a hand
upon her shoulder. Had Miss Field come
to give Edith her smacking now??
The hand drew her close and Edith, eyes still
closed, immediately recognized the familiar
smell of nanny. "There there, my lamb,"
the old woman cooed, "let's get you out of
your pinafore before it soaks through to your
frock." Edith opened her eyes, and held
her arms aloft to let nanny remove the
garment, which Edith now saw had splatters of
sick down its front. Nanny placed the
soiled pinafore in a bucket from along the
wall and placed the bucket under the tap to
fill and allow the garment to soak.
Still seated at the table, Flora pondered this
fresh turn of events. Had Edith truly
been sick? Flora suspected she very
likely had, but wasn't entirely certain.
If Edith had stealthily induced vomiting with
a finger down her throat, she wouldn't have
been the first little girl in Flora's
experience to play up in such a manner.
Perhaps this was a case of girlish
histrionics, Edith's stratagem for getting the
better of Flora and undermining Flora's
discipline program? Although she doubted
it, Flora, wishing for certainty, rose and
entered the bathroom.
Edith clung tightly to nanny and began to cry
heavily as she saw Miss Field enter.
Edith couldn't remember a time in her brief
life when so much had gone so terribly wrong
in so short a time. And was she to be whipped
now by Miss Field?? Oh, it was simply too
awful! The little girl clung to nanny
with all her might, her small form shaking
with deep heaving sobs.
Mrs. Brown met Flora's gaze steadily as she
entered. Before Flora could speak, the
woman said, "if you're wondering if this child
is just joshing, I can tell you for a fact she
is not. I've known her since the night she
were born. And that's a good deal longer
than you I daresay. So if you're about
giving this little one a smack bottom, I won't
allow it, not unless the Missus herself tells
me to stand aside I won't."
Just as Flora had again begun to think Mrs.
Brown as merely a sweet empty-headed old lady,
another side of the old woman reemerged, a
side which Flora had encountered just once
before while trying to compel Edith to take
her cold bath on Flora's first day as
governess. The woman's eyes as she
steadily met Flora's gaze possessed a subtle
glint, faintly feral, like unto a mother bear
vigilantly watching over her cub. Flora
inly bristled at this challenge to her
disciplinary purview, but maintained an
impassive countenance.
Flora had more than enough experience with the
ploys and subterfuges of discipline-dodging
little girls to recognize Edith's flood of
tears as nothing of that nature - simply the
sorrow of a child in the midst of an
uncommonly trying day. No interrogation
was necessary. "I entirely agree, Mrs.
Brown," declared Flora in a clipped tone,
meeting the woman's eyes. "I hadn't the
slightest thought of giving Edith a smacking,"
lied Flora. "I merely entered to discover if I
could be of any assistance to you."
Nanny's visage softened. "Well you can
ring for the scullery maid to clean the sick
off the floor for a starter." Flora did
so. Then came a knock on the nursery
door, which Flora opened to reveal one of the
footmen, (thankfully not Randy), announcing
that the lady of the house requested the
presence of Mistress Fogarty and Mrs. Brown in
the main dining room. Flora replied that
Edith had had a "mishap" and bade the man wait
out in the hall, assuring him of the imminent
emergence of the two personages he sought.
Back in the bathroom, Edith sat on the side of
the bathtub and let nanny bathe her face
repeatedly in cold water to conceal the
evidence of her recent tears, and with a wet
cloth, clean away splatters
of sick which had fallen onto
loose strands of the girl's hair. Then
she dried the wet spots with a clean cloth and
was giving the child's hair a thorough
brushing when Flora came back in.
Edith had been crying too hard
to hear nanny's earlier words to Miss
Field; she had only been aware that nanny
had spoken something. The little
girl glanced warily at Miss
Field as she reentered, but most of her
earlier fear had faded. If Miss Field
intended to give her a smacking, she likely
would have done so ere now. Hence Edith
deemed herself probably safe.
"It's an awful shame," mused Mrs. Brown aloud
to Flora as she continued to brush, "that here
we be, sitting in the midst of the greatest
empire that ever there was, where the sun
never sets. And some little girls," she nodded
at Edith, "have so much, while right here in
Behrendshire we have other little girls that
barely have anything to wear." Flora,
still concealing her displeasure, agreed that
this was indeed a sorry state of affairs, and
expressed her hope for its prompt
you asked if you could be of assistance," the
woman continued, "on top of the wardrobe
nearest the hearth is a heap of whites which
this one," she nodded at Edith, "has outgrown
just a wee bit. When you have time, will you
be a dear and take them to the missionary
barrel for me?" With a glance at Flora
and a subtle smile bespeaking words left
unspoken, the woman added, "surely some poor
lassie just a wee bit smaller than this one
shall put them to good use?" Feigning
inner reflection, she added, gazing off at no
direction in particular, "why... perhaps you
yourself might know of some deserving little
mite fitting that very description?"
Naturally, Flora agreed at once. Mrs.
Brown's obvious intent to place these items
into Lily's possession somewhat softened
Flora's displeasure towards the old woman, but
without resolving Flora's irksome sense of a
score yet unsettled. Before she could
examine the items, though, a knock came at the
nursery door. "You rang, Miss?" asked
Helen Reid. With her bucket and mop in
one hand and her scrub brush in the other, she
had arrived prepared for whatever chore might
await her above stairs.
Flora directed Lily's mother to the spatters
of vomit on the floor. Just after the
scullery maid entered the bathroom and began
filling her bucket, Mrs. Roberts emerged
therefrom, accompanied by brand spanking clean
"Edith," declared Flora, "your Mama, nanny,
and myself, all need you to be on your very
best behavior when your Mama presents you to
the earl and countess. Is that
understood?" Edith nodded inattentively,
this being perhaps her half dozenth iteration
of this selfsame admonishment from one adult
or another. "When you return, you will
make your ablutions, undress, and go to bed at
once. You shall have no further food
until your breakfast tomorrow." Edith nodded
again. She felt not the least bit hungry
and deemed this punishment as trifling as a
"smacking" from nanny's arthritic hand.
"Now now, Miss Field," protested Mrs. Roberts,
"isn't that a wee bit too-"
"Mrs. Roberts!" snapped Flora, "I'm afraid I
must remind you that my decisions are and
shall remain paramount in the realm of
discipline for Mistress Fogarty. I shall
therefore thank you never to interfere, or in
any such matters to set your will against my
own!" Before the woman could answer,
Flora continued, "and I would strongly advise
you not to involve Madam as you earlier
insinuated you might do. Mrs. Fogarty
has no patience with members of staff
bothering her about their disputes with one
another. And furthermore, she hired me
precisely on account of my experience and
efficacy as a disciplinarian, in part I
daresay, due to her perception of yourself as
deficient in that regard!"
The old woman's lips tightened with anger and
she met Flora's eyes coldly for several
seconds, then looked down at Edith.
"Well then, my pet," she said gently, "we'd
best be getting ourselves to the dining room
shouldn't we, before your Mama is cross with
the both of us. Wait for me in the hall,
there's a good girl."
Edith dropped a hurried curtsy to her
governess and disappeared out the nursery
door, relieved to be out of Miss Field's
view. Now a new danger loomed.
What if she said or did the wrong thing in
front of the titled guests? Mama would
be frightfully cross with her if she
did. And would she send for Miss Field
to chastise her??
Back in the nursery, the nanny set to work
placing each of the three dinner trays onto a
low table by the doorway for a footman to
retrieve, while pointedly
ignoring the governess. The latter,
deeming herself victor in that last exchange
of words, turned to the wardrobe and began
sifting through the heap of items destined for
charity. There to her satisfaction lay
an assortment of little petticoats of various
styles, camisoles which could double as
nightwear, knickers, and drawers, all of which
appeared ideal for a child of Lily's
stature. She barely noticed Mrs. Roberts
opening and then closing the bottom drawer of
the dresser on the other side of the doorway.
The nursery door closed behind Mrs. Roberts,
to Flora's relief, leaving herself quite alone
save for Helen, now finishing up with her
mopping. "Just doin' me job is all,"
Helen muttered when Flora thanked her.
"Helen, I wonder if you would be so kind as to
do me a further service?" Helen sighed
wearily and stood, awaiting her new orders in
silence. Flora beckoned her to the
wardrobe, presented her with the heap of
clothing, and asked, might she take this to
the missionary barrel? or better yet, to a
certain little girl of her acquaintance in
need of such items? Helen frowned and in
a hard tone responded, "I can't be a-do'in
nought as might get me the chuck wi'out no
reference! Not wi' winter a-comin' on and no
place to go for me-" her tone softened with a
hint of anxiety, "or me Lily."
Flora assured her that nanny had the authority
to set these items aside for needy little
girls and that Helen would commit no fault for
conveying them to Lily. And in the
unlikely event of some trouble from the
Missus, Flora pledged to take full
responsibility and to testify most
emphatically to Helen's blamelessness in the
entire matter. Helen looked to Flora, to
the garments, then back again,
twice. Her steely expression gave
way at last to a faint smile. "Well I'm
powerful grateful to ye' then. An' me
lil' nipper 'll be powerful chirpy 'bout it as
well, I'm bound!"
Helen took the garments under her left arm
which held her scrub brush, excused herself
and turned to go. "I appreciate you
taking this chore off my hands, Helen," Flora
remarked. "As you can imagine, I
shouldn't wish to run into Randy in an empty
Helen turned in surprise. "'Aven't you
'eard? Got the sack 'e did! Mr.
Carlson said 'e were on-" Helen paused for a
moment, "on 'approbation' 'e called it,
on account of Randy a-botherin' the kitchen
maids and a-puttin' 'is 'fingers where'n 'e
oughtn'. I s'pose 'e 'spected ye were so
unpopular-like that 'e could do wi' ye as 'e
pleased." Flora thanked the maid
effusively for this welcome news. "Good
riddence to 'im I say," continued Helen.
"And there's several younger maids as used to
talk ill o' you who now won't 'ear one word
spoke wrong against ye', Miss Field. Ye'
did that boy right they say - gi' 'im just
what 'e long deserved, you did. And so say I!"
Once Helen had taken her leave, Flora, flushed
with pleasure at how well this evening had
turned out, sat herself at Mrs. Brown's desk
and began to write.
Edith descended the stairs slowly, her hand in
nanny's, doing her best to help steady the old
woman. Nanny's other hand gripped the
balustrade as she painstakingly negotiated
each step. Edith hoped Mama's
requirement of her presence in the dining room
would not prove lengthy. Miss Field had
ordered her put straight to bed afterwards,
but hadn't said Edith mayn't have a
candle. The prospect of herself in one
of her satin nightdresses, curled up under
covers rendered toasty by nanny's bedwarmer,
and with her copy of "At The Back of the North
Wind" before her, seemed a most inviting port
in her storm of this unhappy evening.
Back in the nursery, Flora completed the
following note for the nanny:
[it ran]
My dear
Mrs. Brown,
I ordered previously, Edith is to be put to
bed straightaway upon her return from the
dining room. Her candle is to be
extinguished and she is not to have games,
toys, or amusements of any sort accompanying
her to bed. Please convey to her that
she is forbidden from asking you for any
food until her breakfast upon the morrow;
and caution her that should she do so I
shall treat that as a serious breach of
discipline, the consequence of which she
well knows. Her restrictions shall
conclude upon taking her breakfast.
Miss Field
"Good evening, my Lord," intoned Edith just as
nanny had instructed her, lowering her eyes
and dropping her daintiest curtsy before the
Earl of Reddend. He smiled oddly,
looking her up and down with keen interest,
and nodded. Seated at the dining table
at the place normally occupied this past
fortnight by Miss Field, the earl didn't
impress Edith as a particularly grand fellow
despite his fine clothes and title.
Short in stature, his ruddy face was wrinkled
with age, his nose appeared swollen, and his
breath smelled of brandy. Edith
pretended not to notice when he patted his lap
and beckoned her to sit thereon, as she
crossed around to the seat she normally
occupied, and dropped an identical
curtsy. "Good evening, Lady Reddend."
"My goodness what a perfectly charming child
you are," replied the countess with a
smile. She was closer to Mama's age than
her husband's, but not quite as pretty,
thought Edith, who couldn't tell if her breath
also smelled of brandy or not, on account of
the woman's cloying perfume. She wore a
splendid cream-coloured gown, festooned with
what appeared to be tiny diamonds. "Your
first London season is not as far off as you
likely imagine, Miss Fogarty," continued the
woman, affably, "you shall be presented at
court and shall curtsy to the Queen herself,
as you doubtlessly know. Do you look
forward to that day, my dear?"
"Yes, my Lady," answered Edith, although in
fact she had truly given the matter little
consideration, since her first London season
did indeed seem to lie in a dim future epoch,
despite the woman's words.
"My compliments to your governess," the woman
declared, "clearly she has taught you well in
the manner of curtsying to your betters."
"I already knew how before she
came along!" blurted Edith, displeased at
hearing Miss Field receive undue credit of any
sort. To Edith's right, Mama shifted in
her seat and Edith at once realised herself at
fault. "But," the little girl continued
hastily, "my governess gives me a great deal
of practice!"
"And if she in the least measure resembles my
governess at your age," laughed the woman
merrily, "I daresay she gives you something
else if you don't curtsy when you ought
to! Am I right?"
Edith felt herself begin to blush once she
caught the woman's meaning, feeling rather too
embarrassed to reply. "Edith?" said Mama
in a tone of warning. Mama's meaning was
clear. Ignoring a direct question from Lady
Reddend was plainly forbidden.
"I must curtsy when meeting her and when
taking my leave and when passing her in the
hallways. Should I ever forget she
promises me a smacked bottom," replied Edith
mechanically, resentful at being forced to
divulge such information to a stranger, but
hiding this emotion with great care.
"But," she added with fresh animation, "I have
never once forgotten, so she hasn't ever
smacked me for that."
The countess's smile disappeared as she
regarded Edith skeptically.
"Never? Are you certain you aren't
telling a falsehood, my girl?"
From across the table, her husband leaned
drunkenly in Edith's direction and declared
with half serious, half jesting solemnity,
"Every liar shall have his portion in the lake
which burneth with fire and brimstone," then
chuckled to himself.
Edith's indignation swelled. She wanted
to stamp her foot as hard as she could and
shout at both of them that she was not a
liar. But of course she held her breath
instead and strove to conceal her anger.
Thankfully, Mama came to her rescue.
"Our Miss Field is Edith's very first
governess. And she has been in our
employ for scarcely a fortnight. So I
have every confidence Edith is not
"Then I am glad of this news," replied the
countess to Mama, her smile returning.
To Edith, she continued, "I daresay I find thoroughly
dismal the thought of such
a darling girl as yourself being smacked."
"Yes, Madam!" piped Edith, leaping at the
opportunity to concur with the woman upon a
sentiment with which Edith so wholeheartedly
"Has your governess any severer
punishments for you then smack bottoms?"
Edith found this question baffling. How
could Miss Field possibly punish her with
greater severity than by giving her a
"Edith?" chided Mama, "Lady Reddend asked you
a question."
"No My Lady," replied Edith to the countess,
then, "did your governess smack you?"
hoping to shift the focus of this particular
line of conversation to some other little girl
besides herself.
"Edith!" scolded Mama gently, "don't ask
impertinent questions!"
Lady Reddend waved aside Mama's concern and
answered, "Yes she did indeed... when I was fortunate."
Edith regarded the woman with
bewilderment. Had she misspoken?
Had Edith heard her incorrectly?
"A proper smack bottom when necessary never
did a child any harm," continued the countess,
as much to the other adults present as to
Edith. "I didn't enjoy them of course,
no child does. But they were over
quickly. And I generally deserved
them. But when she would lock you in the
dark closet for hours with only water and a
few leftover crusts of bread, that was quite
another matter."
"Locked? For hours?" asked the astonished
Edith. "But... what if you had
to...to... visit the water closet?"
"You simply didn't!"
"But..." Edith struggled to think of a
decorous way to pose her urgent question,
"what if you... what if you just couldn't...?"
Sensing the child's meaning, the countess
replied with a sigh, "in that case you were in
disgrace and you got a birching?"
"What is a
'birching?'" With mounting horror, Edith
listened as Lady Reddend explained the nature
of a birch rod and its use. Across the
table, Lord Reddend, whose chin now rested
upon his sternum, began to snore. "Does
a birching hurt... as much as a smack bottom,
Lady Reddend?"

"Oh dear me, child, far far worse! The
soundest of smackings is the merest trifle
compared to a birching. So count yourself
fortunate to have a far kindlier and less
strict governess in your Miss Field than I had
in mine. On some
occasions my governess left me bloody. "
Fearing being seen as impertinent, but unable
to contain herself, Edith frowned and
remonstrated, "Nanny says I mustn't ever say
that word, that it is terribly rude."
The countess laughed and smiled warmly at
Edith. "What a darling little innocent
you are! No my dear, I didn't swear just
now. I meant her rod sometimes broke my
skin and drew a bit of blood." Edith's
horror redoubled. She knew of brutal
treatment of children, albeit mostly in
books. But she'd never imagined that
such barbarities could befall little girls of
the better classes such as young Lady
Reddend... or perhaps... Edith herself??
With Lady Reddend apparently done with her
reminiscence, and Edith quite at a loss for
words at her realization that the countess
viewed Miss Field as a soft, lenient
disciplinarian, an awkward silence fell for
several seconds.
"Lord Reddend," exclaimed Mama, loudly enough
to bring the man sputtering back to
wakefulness, "was your recent shooting party a
success?" Sputtering awake, the earl began to
expound upon the shortcomings of his
gameskeeper and blame the man for the
declining pheasant population on the Reddend
estate. Mama, her hand below the view of
her guests, discretely signaled nanny.
The woman slowly rose from her inconspicuous
seat in the corner, took Edith's hand, and
unobtrusively led her away.
As they began to mount the stairs, step by
step, again holding the old woman's hand to
help support her, Edith asked, "was I good,
"Good enough, I'd wager," replied nanny
curtly, intent upon climbing stairs rather
than conversation.
Gaining the top of the stairs, Edith released
nanny's hand trusting her to walk the
remaining distance to the nursery by Edith's
side unassisted.
As Flora began her descent of the
back stairway, she paused. It crossed
her mind that in view of Helen's news of
Flora's newly elevated popularity among at
least some members of staff, perhaps she might
consider taking the front stairs and braving
the bustling kitchen and dining area?
She would save a considerable number of steps
should she do so.
But Flora couldn't deny that Cook intimidated
her. Flora may have gotten the better of
that woman once. But she preferred to
forego a repeat engagement, especially in the
very midst of Cook's domain.
Edith stepped past the green
baize door into the nursery and heaved a deep
sigh as she at last felt herself out of
danger. Only her bed and her book lay
before her. But no sooner had she begun
to luxuriate in this cosy sense of safety then
she suddenly realized she was hungry -
ravenously so. Nanny stood by her desk,
reading a sheet of paper.
"Nanny I'm dreadfully hungry!" she whined.
"That you are," the woman replied with a deep
sigh of her own, "but there's nought to be
done about it til the morrow - Miss Field's
orders. Complaints never filled an empty
belly, my girl, so let's hear no more of
that." She led Edith into the night
nursery. "And let's have you out of your
frock, then."
Edith lifted her arms high and permitted nanny
to undress her layer by layer, and then get
her into her nightgown. Perhaps, she
hoped, her book might soon distract her from
the grumblings of her tummy. As Edith
quickly washed her face and hands in the
basin, Nanny disappeared back into the day
nursery and returned shortly afterwards with
the warming pan full of fresh glowing
coals. Slipping the hot metal round and
about between Edith's sheets for half a minute
or so, she motioned for the child to climb
into bed. Nanny had warmed her bed
nicely, as she always did, and now only one
thing remained.
"Nanny, light my candle so I can read,"
commanded Edith.
"You're to have no candle and no reading -
Miss Field's orders. Get you to sleep
now and when you wake up perhaps it will be
the breakfast trays arriving that wake you."
Edith burst into tears of self pity and wailed
into her pillow while nanny, ignoring her,
undressed and donned her own nightgown as the
child gradually cried herself out.
In times past, when cajoling Edith to finish
the contents of her plates, nanny had on
occasion besought Edith to think of the
starving children in India, to which Edith had
been wont to retort that nanny could jolly
well send it to them then, which generally
ended that line of conversation. (In the
most recent instance, though, and the only one
since Miss Field's arrival, nanny had become
cross and threatened to report Edith to her
governess for "cheek"). Starving
children had never been more than a vague
amorphous concept in Edith's mind - until
Edith couldn't manage more than a few seconds
at a stretch without urgent thoughts of food
again crowding her mind. Those poor
children! It felt this dreadful just to
be tucked into bed with no dinner; but how
must they feel having nothing for days
and days? or even weeks? Edith's
imagination could not encompass such
Instead, she fixed upon suffering such as her
imagination could encompass, albeit barely
so. She pictured herself locked in the
inky blackness of the closet of Lady Reddend's
cruel governess, desperate to visit the water
closet, but forbidden, and with no idea if
release from her prison lay near or far in
future. And then she imagined the worst
- her battle not to soil herself, lost - lying
in the darkness amidst her stench and filth,
knowing that she was now "in disgrace" and
would surely be whipped with a perfectly
horrid birch rod until her bottom bled.
Miss Field's methods did indeed seem soft and
lenient in comparison.
Upon opening her apartment door, Flora gasped
with delight at the sight of Lily's freshly
made gingham frock and lacy pinafore laid out
side by side on her bed. Now she should
have the pleasure of presenting them to Lily
when the child arrived for her nightly visit.
Nanny had begun extinguishing the candles in
the day nursery. The light through the
doorway dimmed with each until it failed
completely and only starlight through the
windows remained. The wind had risen,
rattling the panes slightly in their
frames. Never before had this familiar
sound seemed to Edith so forlorn and
From the darkened day nursery came the sound
of a drawer pulled open, then closed again,
followed by nanny's footsteps. Her dark
shape appeared in the doorway briefly then
vanished in the gloom as she proceeded further
into the room.
To Edith's surprise, nanny didn't climb into
her own bed, but sat down on the side of
Edith's and silently guided her to a sitting
position. Into Edith's hand she pressed
something smooth and cool, which Edith
recognised after a moment as the base of a
ceramic bowl. Taking hold of it with her
other hand as well, she brushed against a
spoon whose handle clinked against the bowl's
There, as she drew the bowl near her face,
came the aroma of tapioca pudding.