Handprints Spanking Art & Stories Page

Spanked Dolls

(Handprints Drawings Gallery #235)



By PalComix
By PalComix By PalComix By PalComix











By Lawrence

By Blanche Fisher Wright
By R. Hill



By H. Mac Donell (?)
By Palcomix
By Rude Rumps



By Prissylittlegirl
By Palcomix



By Palcomix Poseable life-sized
spankable doll

By Rude Rumps





          [Many years ago] I walked in on my daughter in her bedroom to find her playing with her doll. The doll was on her lap, face down with dress up and knickers lowered. She was studiously colouring the plastic/resin bottom pink with a crayon. Told me the doll had been a very naughty girl, and asked me if that was how her own bottom looked after Mummy or I spanked her. I frowned as if in deep thought and then picked up a darker-hue crayon and handed it over. I answered:

          "More of a rosy red, I'd say. Try this one."

          The look of concentration of her face was both amusing and delightful to behold, as she set to work with the red crayon.

          She does not like to be reminded of this story!

-from an online parenting forum


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