The Handprints

Spanking Art & Stories Page

Comics Drawings Stories Links Security

. bare bottom spanking

To conserve bandwidth, please.bookmark this page and make this your entry point for future return visits to Handprints.

 Do you have non-sexual little girl (<13) spanking illustrations or comicbook images (no photos please!) hidden at the bottom of a drawer somewhere?
 Send them to

 in .jpg, .png or .gif format (no .zip files please) and share them with the world!  :- )
If you get an error message when you email this address, please enter your IP address here and ask them to unblock your domain.

Have you visited the Forum lately?   : - )
If you are new to Handprints, check out the Guestbook Reruns page
for entertaining/informative stuff from the old now-defunct Guestbook.

No matter how often we get "nuked," Handprints.will.not slip into oblivion without a fight.    ;-)

What's  New?


July 23, 2024

Forty new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

July 4, 2024

One hundred-thirty-three new Nai images in Drawings Gallery #264.                      

May 25, 2024

The Guestbook will become read-only at the end of this month, and disappear entirely at the end of next month due to 123Guestbook shutting down its service.

As an alternative, Handprints now has a brand spanking new forum.

May 23, 2024

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #273.                                     

March 18, 2024

    There are now seventeen chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen.

Three  Drawings Gallery #166.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #272.

March 6, 2024

    There are now sixteen chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.

Chapter Sixteen.

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

One new Pal Comix image in Drawings Gallery #230.

Eighteen new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

Twenty-one new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

February 28, 2024

    There are now fifteen chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.

Chapter Fifteen.

February 21, 2024

    There are now fourteen chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.

Chapter Fourteen.

February 15, 2024

    There are now thirteen chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.

February 5, 2024

    There are now twelve chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve

January 28, 2024

    There are now eleven chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

Chapter Eleven.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #271

January 22, 2024

    There are now ten chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Three new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

January 15, 2024

    There are now nine chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.

January 8, 2024

    There are now eight chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

Chapter Eight.

The link to one hundred forty-six newspaper clippings in
Drawings Gallery #270 is now fixed.

January 1, 2024

    There are now seven chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.

December 25, 2023

Seven new Nai Christmas images in Drawings Gallery #264.

    There are now six chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.

December 18, 2023

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Eight new Nai images in Drawings Gallery #264.

One new image in Comics Gallery #15.

One new image in Comics Gallery #16.

Three new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

One hundred forty-six newspaper clippings in
Drawings Gallery #270.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #269

    There are now five chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.
Chapter Five

December 11, 2023

    There are now four chapters to "Edith's New Governess."

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.

Chapter Four.

December 4, 2023

    There are now three chapters to "Edith's New Governess."  Chapter One.  Chapter Two.  Chapter Three.

November 20, 2023

   There are now two chapters to "Edith's New Governess."  Chapter One.  Chapter Two.

   Thanks to Stable Diffusion AI, Clara Does The Dishes on the Stories Page has a new look.

   What if "Uncle Mark" took a parenting class and used positive discipline with Clara?   Find out in the new Clara Does The Dishes - Nonspank Version.

   Thanks to Stable Diffusion AI, Suzie Gets A Spanking on the Stories Page has a new background "photo."

   Thanks to Stable Diffusion AI, If Tom Hadn't Been Noble on the Stories Page has two new images, including a newly-discovered 1837 daguerreotype of Becky herself!   ;-)

   One new Link on the Links Page to a new Childhood Spanking Memories forum.

October 19, 2023

Dear Reader,

   Even if you don't normally make a habit of perusing the Handprints Guestbook, please take a look now, read the postings about Jillian Keenan and Prostasia, and take action. (Please read the messages from Sept. 30th onward to give yourself a sense of the context before you post to Youtube, Prostasia, etc.  Thank you.)

Sincerely, HP

One new Nai image in Drawings Gallery #264.

Six new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Two new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

One new joke in Handprints Spanking Humor Page #6.

Three new images in Handprints Spanking Humor Page #3.

Six new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.
Fifteen new images in Comics Gallery #16.

Six new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #268

August 19, 2023

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

One new Nai image in Drawings Gallery #264.

One new Nancy image in Comics Gallery #5.

One new image in Comics Gallery #15.

Two new images in Comics Gallery #16.

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Four new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #267.

July 8, 2023

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

One new Pal Comix image in Drawings Gallery #230.

One new Nancy image in Comics Gallery #5.

Three new Nai images in Drawings Gallery #264.

Three  Drawings Gallery #166.

Five new images in Drawings Gallery #265. (top row)

Nine new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Thirty Nine new images in Drawings Gallery #266.

  May 14, 2023

Five new Nancy images in Comics Gallery #5.

Ten new Ryatts images in Comics Gallery #6.

Three new images in Comics Gallery #15.

Two new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

Two new D_T images in Drawings Gallery #191.

Two new Toma.images in.Drawings Gallery #168.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.
Fifteen new Nai images in Drawings Gallery #264. new images in Drawings Gallery #262.

Nine new images in Drawings Gallery #262.

Fourteen new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Two new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

Two new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

Eight new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #263.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #265.

  March 29, 2023

Eighteen new Nancy images in Comics Gallery #5.

  March 11, 2023

Forty Six new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

  February 8, 2023

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

One new Pastel.image in Drawings Gallery #192.

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Six new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Three new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Four new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

Thirty eight new images in Drawings Gallery #261.

Forty one new images in Drawings Gallery #262.

  December 25, 2022

Twelve new images in Drawings Gallery #261.

Thirty four new images in Comics Gallery #16.

  December 11, 2022

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

Two new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Two new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Two new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208

Two new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

Eleven new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #260.

                                Spankos-only, "The Night Before Christmas" poem sound file version.  Read by "Stephie" herself!!! 
                                        (Just kidding, it's voice synthesized, and "her" "photo" comes courtesy of the StyleGan2 Generative Adversarial Network AI at


Hark! the herald angels swing, 
Straps for our Christmas spanking!

Give to every naughty child, 
Punishment that's none too mild.

Now it's time for skirts to rise, 
Redden bums and upper thighs;

To such lovely bums lay claim, 
With your canes take careful aim.

Hark! the herald angels swing, 
Paddles that leave a mighty sting.

                                                                                               -By Steffie

  October 22, 2022

One new Pastel.image in Drawings Gallery #192.

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Two new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #259.

  October 1, 2022

Two new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Four new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

Fifteen new Thespankerau images in Drawings Gallery #258.

Twenty-eight new images in Drawings Gallery #257.

  September 4, 2022

One new Cactus image in Drawings Gallery #193.

One new Little Audrey image in Comics Gallery #1.

Thirty-four new Little Iodine images in Comics Gallery #3.

Twenty-two new images in Drawings Gallery #257.

  August 26, 2022

Three new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

One new Toma.image in.Drawings Gallery #168.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Two new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

Twenty-two new images in Drawings Gallery #256.

July 18, 2022

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Two new Cactus images in Drawings Gallery #193.

One new Pastel image in Drawings Gallery #192.

Twenty-eight new images in Drawings Gallery #256.

May 31,  2022

Spanking machine animation by CopyKats here.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

One new Cactus image in Drawings Gallery #193.

One new image in Comics Gallery #15.

One new image in Comics Gallery #16.

Twenty-nine new images in Drawings Gallery #255.

April 23,  2022

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Twenty-one new images in Drawings Gallery #255.

April 4,  2022

One new image in Comics Gallery #15.

One new Toma.image in.Drawings Gallery #168.

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #254.

March 19,  2022

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Two new Shigure the 3rd images in Drawings Gallery #173.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #253.

February 15,  2022

Several new excerpts from the now-inactive forum, Childhood Spanking Memories.

Five new images in Comics Gallery #13.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

Eleven new images in Comics Gallery #8.

Three new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #252.

January 28,  2022

Seven new Rude Rumps images in Drawings Gallery #225.

New poem, "When I Was Just A Little Girl" by "No One Special," Illustrated by Rude Rumps, on The Handprints Stories PageSoundfile version "read" by "Stephie."

January 12,  2022

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

Nine  Drawings Gallery #166.

Twenty-three new images in Drawings Gallery #251.

December 30,  2021

Five new jokes in Handprints Spanking Humor Page #6.

One new Link on the Links Page.

December 25,  2021

One new Rude Rumps image in Drawings Gallery #225.

One new Cactus image in Drawings Gallery #193.

One new Pal Comix image in Drawings Gallery #230.

Eighteen new images in Drawings Gallery #251.

December 14,  2021

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Fourteen new images in Drawings Gallery #251.

December 2,  2021

One new Gauis Marius image in Drawings Gallery #131.

Two new Smallmew images in Drawings Gallery #170.

Four new Cactus images in Drawings Gallery #193.

Two new images in Comics Gallery #15.

Sixteen new images in Comics Gallery #13.

Six new Pastel images in Drawings Gallery #192.

One new D_T image in Drawings Gallery #191

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #250.

November 15, 2021
Rude Rumps' long-awaited online graphic novel in five chapters: "Growing Up Spanko."

October 18, 2021
   An alert viewer noticed that Handprints has apparently been blocked by certain filters the UK.  If you would like to see HP unblocked there, please click here to go to their unblock request screen.  Be sure to check the "concerned about censorship" box.  And in the comment box, please be POLITE!  I recommend emphasizing the fact that HP is not porn, has been on the web for the past 22 years, and contains no sexual content whatsoever.

October 15, 2021

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Five new images in Drawings Gallery #235.

Three new images in Comics Gallery #15.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #248.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #249.

October 10, 2021

Two new Shigure the 3rd images in Drawings Gallery #173.

Three new Pastel images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Eight new KM images in Drawings Gallery #196.

Two new D_T images in Drawings Gallery #191

Sixteen new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Two new Ryatts images in Comics Gallery #6.

One new Little Iodine image in Comics Gallery #3.

Six new images in Comics Gallery #13.

September 04, 2021

One new Cactus image in Drawings Gallery #193.

Two new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

Five new Toma.images in.Drawings Gallery #168.

One  Drawings Gallery #166.

Three new Smallmew images in Drawings Gallery #170.

Six new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Two new D_T images in Drawings Gallery #191.

Three new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Six new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Twenty-two new images in Drawings Gallery #247.

August 28, 2021

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

One new Tua image in Drawings Gallery #198.

Twenty-eight new images in Drawings Gallery #247.

August 22, 2021

One  new Pastel image in Drawings Gallery #192.

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

Three new D_T images in Drawings Gallery #191.

One new Tua image in Drawings Gallery #198.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #246.

August 1, 2021

Two new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

One new image in Drawings Gallery #235.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #245.

July 12, 2021

One new Alan Lawrence/Artboy62.image in.Drawings Gallery #181.

One  Drawings Gallery #166.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #244.

July 4, 2021

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Five new Pastel images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Three new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

Two new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #243.

June 18, 2021

Four new Pastel images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #242.

June 5, 2021

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #241.

May 29, 2021

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #240.

May 23, 2021

Thirty-six new images in Drawings Gallery #239.

Three new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

Eleven new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

February 18,  2021

Two new images in Drawings Gallery #235.

Three new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

Fourteen new images in Drawings Gallery #238.

Fourteen new images in Drawings Gallery #239.

January 21,  2021

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

Two new images in Drawings Gallery #235.

Four new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Eighteen new images in Drawings Gallery #238.

January 2,  2021

Seventeen new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225, gleaned with her permission from her work-in-progress, autobiographical, graphic novel.

December 28,  2020        Today is Childermas, or Holy Innocents Day, in remembrance of the babies purportedly slain at King Herod's orders in the hope that one of them would be the Christ child.  In Christian homes of yore, the younger children would be awoken with spankings first thing in the morning on Childermas, to remind them of the sufferings of the Holy Innocents.

One new Pastel image in Drawings Gallery #192.

Two new KM images in Drawings Gallery #196.

One new animated Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

Three new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Five new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Two new images in Drawings Gallery #237.

Eighteen new images in Drawings Gallery #238.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

Five Rude Rumps soundfile images in Drawings Gallery #225.

One new Shigure the 3rd image in Drawings Gallery #173.

November 28,  2020

One new image in Drawings Gallery #235.

One new image in Comics Gallery #5.

Two new images in Comics Gallery #13.

Five new Cactus images in Drawings Gallery #193.

Eleven new KM images in Drawings Gallery #196.

Twelve new Pal Comix images in Drawings Gallery #230.

Sixteen new images in Drawings Gallery #236.

Seventeen new images in Comics Gallery #15.

Twenty-seven new images in Drawings Gallery #237.

November 26, 2020

November 20, 2020

One new Rude Rumps  image in Drawings Gallery #225.

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Twelve new images in Drawings Gallery #236.

October 30, 2020

Three new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Four new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Twenty-two  new images in Drawings Gallery #236.

October 21, 2020

Thirty-one  new images in Drawings Gallery #235.

October 10, 2020

Three new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Four new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #234.

September 1, 2020

Two new images in Drawings Gallery #232.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #233.

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Four new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Two new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

One new Pastel image in Drawings Gallery #192.

Two new images in Comics Gallery #13.

One new image in Comics Gallery #11

August 16, 2020

Sixteen new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

July 3, 2020

One new.Mr Drawings Gallery #8.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

Two new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

Two new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Three new images in Drawings Gallery #229.

Forty-eight new images in Drawings Gallery #232.

May 18, 2020

Four new images in Comics Gallery #13.

Thirty-five new Lee Warner F/m --> F/f conversions of K. Birk images in Drawings Gallery #231.

Thirteen new images in Drawings Gallery #229. M

May 6, 2020

One new.Pal Drawings Gallery #230.

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Five new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

One new D_T image in Drawings Gallery #191.

Three new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

Nine  new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Five new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Forty-three new images in Drawings Gallery #228.

Thirty-four new images in Drawings Gallery #229.

February 24, 2020

Eighteen new images in Drawings Gallery #227.

Seven new images in Drawings Gallery #228.

One new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

Two new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

One  Drawings Gallery #166.

Six new images in Comics Gallery #13.

January 11, 2020

Twelve new The Smith Family images in Comics Gallery #14.

Twelve new images in Drawings Gallery #227.

Four new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

December 25, 201

One new Okamiseinen image in Drawings Gallery #186.

One new Gauis Marius image in Drawings Gallery #131.

Four new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #227.

November 23, 2019

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

Five new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

Two new Ryatts images in Comics Gallery #6.

Twenty-five new images in Drawings Gallery #226.

October 29, 2019

Two new Little Iodine images in Comics Gallery #3.

Twenty-five new images in Drawings Gallery #226.

Three new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Two new images in Comics Gallery #12.

Fifteen new images in Comics Gallery #13.

One new image in Comics Gallery #8.

Two new Ryatts image in Comics Gallery #6.

Three new Pastel images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Twenty-Four new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

October 14, 2019

Nineteen new images in Drawings Gallery #224.

September 24, 2019  

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

One new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

One new image in Comics Gallery #12.

Seven new images in Drawings Gallery #224.

Seventeen new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

August 27, 2019

Fifteen new images in Drawings Gallery #222.

Twenty-four new images in Drawings Gallery #224.

Two new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Three new Little Dot images in Comics Gallery #2.

One new Little Lulu image in Comics Gallery #11.

Two new images in Comics Gallery #12.

Forty new Rude Rumps  images in Drawings Gallery #225.

August 6, 2019

                                The twentieth birthday of the Handprints Spanking Art & Stories Page.

July 13, 2019

Six new Ryatts images in Comics Gallery #6.

Five new Little Dot images in Comics Gallery #2.

One new Little Iodine image in Comics Gallery #3.

One new Nancy image in Comics Gallery #5.

One new Teachers Pet image in Comics Gallery #8.

Nineteen new Little Lulu images in Comics Gallery #11.

Seventeen new images in Comics Gallery #10.

Fifty new images in Comics Gallery #12.

Twelve new images in Drawings Gallery #222.

One new Nagasato image in Drawings Gallery #223.

June 30, 2019

Five new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Two new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Fifteen new Nagasato images in Drawings Gallery #223.

Six  Drawings Gallery #166.

Four new Okamiseinen images in Drawings Gallery #186.

Twenty-seven new images in Drawings Gallery #221.

Twenty-three new images in Drawings Gallery #222.

April 21, 2019

One new Okamiseinen image in Drawings Gallery #186.

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Two new images in Drawings Gallery #220.

Nineteen new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

Twenty-three new images in Drawings Gallery #221.

March 30, 2019

One new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

One new image in Comics Gallery #10.

One new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

One new Pastel (formerly "Almond") image in Drawings Gallery #192.

Forty-eight new images in Drawings Gallery #220.

March 2, 2019

Nineteen new images in Drawings Gallery #219.

One new image in Comics Gallery #10.

February 7, 2010

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196. 

One newly animated sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177. 

Three new images in Comics Gallery #10.

Thirty-one new images in Drawings Gallery #219. #

January 29, 2019

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #218.

January 18, 2019

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

Two new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Thirty-two new images in Drawings Gallery #217.

January 2, 2019

Eighteen new images in Drawings Gallery #217.

December 29, 2018

Nine new images in Drawings Gallery #216.

December 25, 2018

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

Forty-one new images in Drawings Gallery #216.

December 21, 2018

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #215.

December 20, 2018

Six new Su images in Drawings Gallery #171.

Five new images in Drawings Gallery #214.

Eight newimages in Comics Gallery #10.

December 16, 2018

Seventeen new Miyuki Drawings Gallery #158.

One new Fireball666 image in Drawings Gallery #208.

Fifteen new images in Drawings Gallery #214.

December 12, 2018

Two  Drawings Gallery #166.

Five new images in Comics Gallery #3.

One new image in Comics Gallery #2.

Fifteen new images in Drawings Gallery #214.

November 16, 2018

Fifteen new images in Drawings Gallery #214.

November 3, 2018        I know it has been a long time since the last update.  My mother has been terminally ill and recently died. 

One new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

Two  Drawings Gallery #166.

Two new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Two new D_T images in Drawings Gallery #191.

Three new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings Gallery #192.

Four new KM images in Drawings Gallery #196.

Six new Tua images in Drawings Gallery #198.

Eight new images in Comics Gallery #10.

Nine new Okamiseinen images in Drawings Gallery #186.

Sixteen new images in Drawings Gallery #211.

Fifty new images in Drawings Gallery #212.

Fifty-five new images in Drawings Gallery #213.

August 1, 2018

The "Best of Voy 'Childhood Spanking Memories'" has been updated with new memories.

June 16, 2018

One new, original  poem, "A Note From Miss Parker," in The Handprints Stories Page.

June 3, 2018

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

One new Pastel (formerly "Almond") image in Drawings Gallery #192.

One Drawings Gallery #102.

Thirty-one new images in Drawings Gallery #211.

April 17, 2018

Twelve new.Pal Drawings Gallery #205.

Three new images in Drawings Gallery #210.

Three new images in Drawings Gallery #211.

April 8, 2016

Four new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings Gallery #192.

One  Drawings Gallery #166.

One new Tua  image in Drawings Gallery #198.

One new Drawings Gallery #39.

One new Smallmew image in Drawings Gallery #170.

Forty-seven new images in Drawings Gallery #210

March 7, 2018

One new KM image in Drawings Gallery #196.

One new Cactus Drawings Gallery #193.

Five new Smallmew images in Drawings Gallery #170.

One new D_T image in Drawings Gallery #191.

Four new sccssc123 images in Drawings Gallery #177.

One new Pastel (formerly "Almond") image in Drawings Gallery #192.

Eighteen new images in Drawings Gallery #209.

February 13, 2018

Thirty-one new images in Drawings Gallery #207.

Thirty-two new images in Drawings Gallery #209.

February 7, 2018

Forty Seven new Fireball666 images in Drawings Gallery #208.

January 12, 2018

One new D_T image in Drawings Gallery #191.

One  Drawings Gallery #166.

One new Pastel (formerly "Almond") image in Drawings Gallery #192.

One new sccssc123 image in Drawings Gallery #177.

Nineteen new images in Drawings Gallery #207.

December 10, 2017

    Handprints will cease to exist in a couple of months unless viewers (including YOU) act now! 

    Ai, who runs the animeotk site, has generously donated space for the Handprints site free of charge for many years now.  Here are some words from Ai, our patron:

    "It has been over two years since I last had to send a message like this out. It saddens me but in the new year, my fiance and I will be moving house and base rent will be increasing by over 300 British Pounds a month. Because of this I can no longer justify funding and the sister sites [including Handprints] out of my own pocket. Over the past 12 months donations have been minimal and over 95% of the running expenses have been coming from my own money. Unfortunately, from January 2018 the sites will need to be self-sufficient or face closure.

    "Technology has progressed and so have platforms to help sites and artists. Because of this, our new primary donation platform will be

    "I have broken down the base costs of the sites and added an initial goal of $125 monthly which will need to be met for the sites to continue. If this goal is not met for two consecutive months we will be closed or the sites sold at auction. If sold, I cannot guarantee what the new owners will do with the content, data, adverts on site or anything else -- they may simply close the sites and use the well known and aged domain names for another project. You can however stop this by pledging a monthly donation at Patreon now!

    "The Patreon account will be 100% non profit, even though I have paid a considerable amount out of my own pocket over the past 10 years I will not use funds generated for anything other than hosting fees, domain fees and if possible commissions for the VIP only sections of AnimeOTK and sister sites. Patreon has full transparency on received payments and pledges. You can make a pledge now at

    "Patreon takes paypal and credit card. Patreon is also about as anonymous as your email address and username - those are the only details they release when your pledge is taken at the end of the month."   - Ai

    Thousands of people visit the Handprints site each week.  If a mere 10% of us click on this link now and pledge just a few dollars a month, Ai's financial problems will vanish and Handprints will continue indefinitely, along with the other spanking/fetish-related sites Ai manages.   Handprints has existed since 1999 and has never charged any subscription fee nor asked for any donations until now.  Please make your monthly pledge today if you don't want Handprints to disappear!






(send .jpg, .pgn and .gif image submissions here - no zip files please)

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