What's Old
Welcome to the Handprints
Spanking Art & Stories' What's Old page.
This is an archive of
announcements from the What's New page from years [ast.
By moving them off the
What's New page we decrease our bandwidth use.
Many of the links on this
page no longer work because they date back to previous
locations on the
web from which Handprints
was nuked.
November 1, 2017
Two new Tua images in
Three new Cactus images.in Drawings
Gallery #193.
new images in Drawings
one new images in Drawings
October 9, 2017
Three new
images in
One new Cactus image.in Drawings
Gallery #193.
Four new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #205.
new sccssc123
image in Drawings
Seven new KM images in
new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #166.
Fifteen new D_T images in Drawings
Thirty nine new
images in Drawings
September 30, 2017
new images in Drawings
Four new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
One new sccssc123 image in Drawings
Five new Gauis
Marius images in Drawings
Gallery #131.
new images in Drawings
May 6, 2017
Twenty new
images in Drawings
Four new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #166.
Two new Tua images in
April 7, 2017
One new Alan
Lawrence/Artboy62.image in.Drawings
Gallery #181.
One new Taira Kibato image in Drawings
Sixteen new
images in Drawings
March 4, 2017
Nineteen new
images in Drawings
January 28, 2017
One new Toma.image in.Drawings
Gallery #168.
One new Pastel (formerly "Almond") image in Drawings
One new Okamiseinen
image in
Six new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
new images in Drawings
USA's Pizzagate "scandal"
was based, in part, on hysterical reactions to artwork on the
walls of the restaurant, including this
canvas by Serbian-born painter, Biljana
December 17, 2016
Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
Three new images in
Gallery #10.
Two new Ryatts
images in
Gallery #6.
Four new KM images in
Ten new Tua images in
Seventeen new Sassy
Bottoms images in Drawings
One new Pastel (formerly
"Almond") image in Drawings
new images in Drawings
Fifty new
images in Drawings
Twelve new
images in Drawings
August 4, 2016
Three new Little
Iodine images in
Eight new
images in Drawings
Two new images in Drawings
July 17, 2016
Four new KM images in
Three new Cactus images.in Drawings
Gallery #193.
One new D_T image in Drawings
One new Pastel (formerly
"Almond") image in Drawings
Nine new Tua images in
Three new Nancy
images in
Four new images in
Two new images in Drawings
images in Drawings
March 12, 2016
Three new Toma.images in.Drawings
Gallery #168.
One new Pastel (formerly
"Almond") image in Drawings
Twenty-four new
images in Drawings
January 12, 2016
Bad links fixed in Drawings
#186 and Drawings
Gallery #191.
Thanks to readers who brought this to my attention.
December 28, 2015
Seven new images in Comics
One new Little
Dot image in
Eighteen new sccssc123 images in Drawings
Thirteen new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #166.
Twelve new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
new Pastel
(formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
Eight new Cactus images.in Drawings
Gallery #193.
Five new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
Three new KM images in
Eight new KM images in
new images in Drawings
Twenty-nine new
images in Drawings
December 25, 2015 Handprints is back, fully
restored. I wish to apologize most abjectly for my
extreme tardiness in taking care of this. For
personal reasons, (partly involving some meds I've been
taking the past few months), I was asleep at the switch.
I will strive to not let this happen again in the future,
meds or not. I particularly wish to apologize to
everyone who expressed concern for my well-being. I am
old and forgetful, but far from dead. (There will
be a new update very soon, on Holy
Innocents Day!) Merry Christmas,
August 6, 2015
Ten new images in Drawings
Twelve new
images in Drawings
August 5, 2015
One new
Pastel (formerly
"Almond") image in Drawings
Two new D_T
images in Drawings
Three new KM
images in
Two new Okamiseinen
images in
new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #166.
April 26, 2015
Seven new Cactus images.in Drawings
Gallery #193.
April 12, 2015
Five new Miyuki images.in Drawings
Gallery #158.
One new
Pastel (formerly
"Almond") image in Drawings
new Pastel
(formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
Three new D_T images in Drawings
Seven new KM
images in
new.Pal Comix.image.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
One new Toma.image in.Drawings
Gallery #168.
Ten new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #166.
Forty new
images in Drawings
February 8, 2015
Twenty-four new KM
images in Drawings
Four new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
new images in Drawings
Two new Okamiseinen
images in
November 25, 2014
One new Pastel (formerly "Almond") image in Drawings
Four new Smallmew
images in Drawings
Eight new sccssc123 images in Drawings
One new D_T image in Drawings
new images in Drawings
November 22, 2014
new image in Drawings
nine new images in Drawings
October 29, 2014
Gallery #166.
new images in Drawings
October 21, 2014
Three new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
Five new Gauis Marius
images.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
September 13, 2014
Two new Shigure
the 3rd images in Drawings
Four new Pastel (formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
Two new D_T images in Drawings
one new images in Drawings
new images in Drawings
July 21, 2014
Six new D_T images in Drawings
Three new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
new images in Drawings
four new images in Drawings
July 11, 2014
Five new sccssc123 images in Drawings
Two new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
One new Shigure
the 3rd image in Drawings
Ten new Okamiseinen
images in
One new Little
Iodine image in
Five new images in Comics
One new images in Drawings
May 3, 2014
Two new Pastel
(formerly "Almond") images in Drawings
Five new D_T images in Drawings
Thirty one new
images in
Fourteen new images in
February 26, 2014
Dreambooks, which has been hosting the Handprints Guestbook
for many years, is
closing up shop. Our new guestbook is here.
February 10, 2014
One new Shigure the 3rd image in Drawings Gallery #173.
December 18, 2013
Seven new Shigure
the 3rd images in Drawings
One new sccssc123 image in Drawings
Nineteen new images in Drawings
Nineteen new images in Drawings
December 17, 2013
One new image in Drawings Gallery #183.
November 11, 2013
Two new images in Drawings
November 9, 22013
Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
One new Pastel
(formerly "Almond") image in Drawings
Eleven new sccssc123 images in Drawings
Three new images in Drawings
Twenty Eight new images in Drawings
September 10, 2013
Two new sccssc123 images in Drawings
Two new Almond images in Drawings
One new Smallmew
image in Drawings
One new D_T image in Drawings
Gallery #166.
Ten new images in Drawings
September 9, 2013
Twenty Seven new images in Drawings
Thirty Seven new images in Drawings
September 3, 2013
Twenty One new Alan Lawrence
/ ArtBoy62
images in Drawings
Twenty Eight new images in Drawings
June 9, 2013
Six new D_T images in Drawings
Five new sccssc123 images in Drawings
Seven new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
Eight new Smallmew
images in Drawings
Two new Almond images in Drawings
One new Fred Vegerano image in Drawings
Gallery #163.
Four new images in Drawings
Fifty new images in Drawings
February 3, 2013
Nineteen new images in Drawings
Nine new sccssc123
images in Drawings
January 18, 2013
Ten new images in Drawings
January 15, 2013
Two new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
Four new Toma.images in.Drawings
Gallery #168..
Five new Almond images in Drawings
Twenty Six new images in Drawings
December 1, 2012
Ten new
Miyuki images.in
Gallery #158.
Twenty One new.Pal Comix.image.in Drawings
Gallery #174.
Eleven new KM
images in Drawings
Two new Almond images in Drawings
One new image in Comics Gallery
Seventeen new images in Drawings
October 22, 2012
Comix.image.in Drawings
Gallery #156.
Gallery #166.
Fourteen new Shigure
the 3rd images in Drawings
Seven new images in Drawings
Taira Kibato's Encyclopedia of Spanking is back on the web here.
October 20, 2012
Fifteen new Smallmew
images in Drawings
Three new Almond images in Drawings
One new Su animated image in Drawings
Gallery #126.
Eleven new Su
images in Drawings
new Riku images.in Drawings
Gallery #132.
One new image in Comics Gallery
Thirty-three new images in Drawings
August 15, 2012
Five new Gauis Marius
images.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
Gallery #166.
Four new Fred Vegerano images in Drawings
Gallery #163.
Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #156.
Three new Toma.images in.Drawings
Gallery #168..
Seven new animated Jay Em.images in.Drawings
Gallery #69.
One new image in Comics Gallery
Fifty new images in Drawings
June 10, 2012 The Spanking
Facts & Research Forum has recovered from
its nuking and is now here.
Handprints may disappear any
minute now. Ai, who was
donating web space for Handprints, (as well as Boyz
Being Boyz
and AnimeOtk), lost his job and can no longer afford to
do this. AnimeOtk has already disappeared.
BBB and HP still linger on for some reason, but for how
much longer? We are like the Titanic. We
have already hit our iceberg and it is only a matter of
time before we disappear beneath the digital waves
unless someone steps up and donates some space or picks
up the payments Ai was making.
May 22, 2012
Although it doesn't update very often, Spanking
Memories is worth checking out from time to time.
Speaking of
memories, don't forget I
Was Spanked At School, At Home, I
Was Spanked As A Child, I
Remember Being Spanked Bare Bottomed Over The Knee, I
Was Spanked Bare Bottom With A Belt, I
Was Spanked In Public In My Childhood, I
Saw Someone Get Spanked, I
Got Spanked As A Kid, I
Was Often Spanked With Mom's Hairbrush, and others.
Also speaking of memories, Childhood Spanking
Memories hasn't died after all, but is being
semi-regularly updated again now. If you are new to this
site, here
are some memories you've missed. And here
are a collection of memories from the earlier now-defunct
version of that site.
April 23, 2012
Three new Smallmew
images in Drawings
One new Almond image in Drawings
One new.Pal Comix.image.in Drawings
Gallery #156.
Thirteen new images in Drawings
March 29, 2012 Scientific evidence
of long term negative effects from spanking real life children
continues to mount. Thus I wondered, perhaps the same
might apply to fantasy
children as well? So, late last year I made a
New Year's resolution. I would try the no-spank
approach with the many make-believe little girls who
populate Handprints' pages and see if their
fictitious misbehavior improved. Well, I'm sorry to say,
their deportment has gone from bad to worse as a result, and I
now admit that this experiment has been a failure.
Clearly, what these nonexistent little minxes need is a good,
old-fashioned, imaginary spanking! And in
today's long-overdue update, that is exactly what they're
going to get!
Nine new Smallmew
images in Drawings
One new Almond image in Drawings
Gallery #166.
Four new Gauis Marius
images.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
Three new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #156.
Four new Taira Kibato.images in.Drawings
Gallery #1.
Twenty Five new images in Drawings
One new
link on the Links Page to Painfully
Drawn Out.
One new
link on the Links Page to Juan's
Spanking Stories.
December 21, 2011
Three new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #156.
One new Almond image in Drawings
Four new Toma.images in.Drawings
Gallery #168..
Four new Smallmew
images in Drawings
Two new images in Drawings
Twelve new images in Drawings
September 12, 2011
Five new Choko images in Drawings Gallery #97.
One new.Pal Comix.image.in Drawings Gallery #156.Four new Smallmew images in Drawings Gallery #162.
One new Almond image in Drawings Gallery #164.August 12, 2011
Two new Smallmew images in Drawings Gallery #162.
One new Almond image in Drawings
Eleven new images in Drawings
July 19, 2011
Ten new Smallmew images in Drawings Gallery #162.May 29,2011
Please take a moment to read this important message from our host:
Dear All.
As our 4th birthday approches, AnimeOTK.com and our sister sites are facing a crisis of sorts. For the last 4 years I have been funding the sites more or less out of my own pocket and our server costs have recently increased to around �270 (euros) a month. Currently the adverts we show generate less than US$120 per month and revenue is falling. I personally have just had to pay a very large tax bill which has left me with no spare money to continue paying for the server. Due to paypal regulations I am unable to place a donate button on this site because it is classified as "Adult Material or Services", instead we rely on members who wish to donate to contact us. This is less than desirable as the vast majority see no further than "no donate button, they don't need donations".
To keep the sites alive for another month we need a minimum of �300 (to be safe), that's about US$410. Therefore we beg that you donate as much or as little as you can afford to help keep AnimeOTK.com and it's sister sites running. Over the past 4 years, I have personally paid somewhere in the region of $12,000 out of my own pocket to set the sites up and keep the servers running. We are too big to run on cheap shared hosting, and too small to run on the fully dedicated server setup we require.
If we lose the server, then it will be the end of AnimeOTK and all the sister sites. I've poured thousands of dollars and hours of time into these sites and to set them all back up again would take over a week of uploading from my home PC - something I simply don't have time to do. The future of these sites rests in your hands... You have my personal promise that any and all funds collected will be used to pay server fees and nothing else.
If you think you can donate even $5 to keep the server running please go to the Contact Us form on AnimeOTK and select "Donation Enquiry".
Best Regards, (and hopefully not goodbye)
AnimeOTK Admin, Owner & Webmaster.
If animeotk.com goes under, Handprints will disappear too! Please help now!
Spanking artist, Almond,
formerly known as Sakura
sakura's/almond's email is [email protected]
One of Almond's commissions is here.
Let Almond bring your fantasy to life on the
page and benefit animeotk/Handprints too!
February 21, 2011
Six new Fred Vegerano images in Drawings Gallery #163.
February 20, 2011..
One new Toma.image in.Drawings Gallery #148..December 28, 2010 One new Toma.image.here in.Drawings
Gallery #148..
One new Smallmew image here
in Drawings
December 23, 2010
One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #150..
November 29, 2010..One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings Gallery #150.
One new.Pal Comix.image.in Drawings Gallery #156.
Twenty new images in Drawings
Fifteen new images in Drawings Gallery #161.
September 28, 2010.
August 30, 2010..Two new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings Gallery #156.
Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #160."As some of you may or may not be aware, our server is to be frank overloaded. We run a dedicated server (A server just for our websites) and between AnimeOTK.com, AnimeAi.com, FurryAi.com, YaoiAi.com, DiaperedAnime.com and ODAnime.com the current server can no longer cope. I have 3/4 of the bits needed to build us a brand spanking new server. I have a quad core AMD Opteron processor, 8GB ram, 500GB backup sata drive and 2 x 32GB fast solid state drives for the files and databases. The issue I have is that it's all currently built into a tower. The company I was originally going to host with no longer allows tower servers, instead asking all servers be rack mounted. This causes me a problem. To turn this server into a rackmount I will need to 1) Buy a rack mount chassis, 2) Buy a new motherboard (the current one will not fit into a standard chassis - thankyou dell! >_<) and 3) Possibly buy new ram (This depends on if the current ram is motherboard specific or not - again, if it's not... thankyou dell -_-). This I estimate is going to cost somewhere in the region of $300-$500 - money I simply do not have! The adverts on our sites don't even cover my monthly server bill as it is (I'm often pumping $50-$100 of my own cash into paying the monthly server fees) and simply cannot afford another outlay. Therefore I extend a plea to you guys - I know it's the time of year nobody has money but if you feel you could spare anything, please do drop me a PM. I would love to get this site onto a server that isn't crashing three times an hour!
"For instructions on how to
donate please send us a message through the Contact Us
form and select "Donation Inquiry." If you do donate,
please be sure to include your forum username and all of the
sites you are a member of so your account can be upgraded to
VIP donator status with minimal delays. VIP Donator status
entitles you to unlimited daily downloads from the AnimeOTK
Downloads area, bigger PM storage and our promise that
provided you are logged in you will never see another advert
on AnimeOTK or it's sister sites again."
Fourteen new images in Drawings Gallery #160.
June 1, 2010..One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #150.
One new Toma/Droo.image.in.Drawings
Gallery #148.
One new image in Drawings
May 2, 2010..Six new Toma.images.in.Drawings Gallery #148.
Four new images in Drawings Gallery #159.
April 5, 2010..Twenty Two new images in Drawings Gallery #159.
One new Toma.image.in.Drawings Gallery #148.February 9, 2010 Six new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings
Gallery #156.
Fifteen new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #157.
Seven new Miyuki images.in
Gallery #158.
December 17, 2009..One new Toma.image.in.Drawings
Gallery #148.
Two new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #150.
Eleven new images.in Drawings
Gallery #157.
This will be the last update of 2009. HandPrince will be away from the internet for the holidays.
November 29, 2009.. The long running "Childhood Spanking Memories" forum on voy.com has been shut down, but a new moderator has started a new Childhood Spanking Memories forum, also on voy. Post your real life memories there! For some choice selections from the previous forum of the same name, click here.
Three new images.in Drawings Gallery #157.
November 22, 2009... Twelve
new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #150. (This series is entitled "Witness").
Three new images.in Drawings
Gallery #155.
November 6, 2009..One new
image.here.in Comics Gallery #7.
Ten new images.in Drawings
Gallery #155.
October 30. 2009..Eight new images.in Drawings Gallery #155.
Five new images.in Comics Gallery #7. The Handprints.viewer who sent these writes: "The ones of the same girl are Suske en Wiske, two very famous (and very Flemish, even Antwerp) characters. The old comic strips of the 1940's, 1950's and early 1960's showed sheer genius (but the humour and situations are so extremely local that few foreigners get all the fun). Actually, the girl, Wiske, existed in two versions: a popular one with a ribbon in her hair and an "elite" version where her hair was in more traditional blond with a pigtail. That's the one were she gets spanked for disobedience in presence of an "alien". Her friend, Suske, got a painful bottom, but she is smiling as she has put a small pillow in her pyjama pants! Now, giving a spanking to a ten year old would be close to unthinkable, but in the 1960's it was the most normal thing in the world. Locally, Willy Vandersteen is more famous than Herg� from Tintin - he was called the Brueghel of the comic strip, as his strips are so deeply rooted in local folk lore. Although his strips were destined for children, some of them are true gothic thrillers. His name was Vandersteen. Americans never liked his work. The horror in his strips is creepy, his heroes are ambiguous."
October 8, 2009..Ten new
Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings
Gallery #146.
October 1, 2009..Five new.Pal Comix.images.in Drawings Gallery #156.
September 30, 2009...Three
new Toma.images.in.Drawings
Gallery #148.
Nine new images.in Drawings
Gallery #154.
Seventeen new images.in Drawings
Gallery #155.
September 15, 2009 Urjaywall.has written several dozen stories, most of them inspired by images on Handprints.
August 11, 2009..Check
out Paul Summers'
new story page, featuring 5 year old Ashley, 8 y.o.
Katie, 10 y.o. Tammy, and 13 y.o. Abby, along with their strict
but loving parents, David and Emily Winter, who maintain
discipline in their fictitious home the old fashioned way!
Two new Cannibal Khan images,.here.and.here,.in.Drawings
Gallery #146.
Toma.wishes the Handprints.site a Happy
10th Birthday!
August 6, 2009
July 12, 2009..Five new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #154.
Two new Toma.images.in.Drawings
Gallery #148.
July 3, 2009. One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #150.
Two new Toma.images.in.Drawings
Gallery #148.
June 20, 2009 ..Sixteen new images.in Drawings Gallery #154.
June 5, 2009..Four new images.in Drawings Gallery #154. David Ell wants everyone to know that he takes commissions: [email protected].
May 29, 2009..Four new images.in Drawings Gallery #154.
May 28, 2009..Five new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #152.
Five new images.in Drawings
Gallery #154.
May 13, 2009..Three new
Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings
Gallery #146.
Twenty six new images.in Drawings
Gallery #152.
May 2, 2009..Five
years in the making, Drooaygah's brand spanking new 71-page comic, "Cynthia Visits The Spankers" is now
complete! Click here.to download then entire comic as a zip
file. (Rumor has it the "Central City Corporal
Punishment Center," to which Cynthia's mom takes the
luckless Cynthia, is hiring right now!)
Three new images.in Drawings
Gallery #152.
April 29, 2009..Click here for the full text of a 1785 F/f storybook by Henry Thomas Buckle, featuring spankees as young as nine. It's title: "Exhibition of Female Flagellants In The Modest and Incontinent World. Proving from Indubitable FACTS, That a Number of Ladies take a Secret Pleasure, In WHIPPING their own, and CHILDREN committed to their care; and that their PASSION For Exercising And Feeling The Exquisite PLEASURE of a BIRCH-ROD, From Objects of their Choice, of Both Sexies, is to the full as Predominant, as that of Mankind."
"My charming Lydy, tell me why
That blubber'd face, that wat'ry eye?
Whom whilefome like a lambkin gay
I faw fo wanton, fkip and play.In vain at Mamma's feet fhe knelt
Not lefs the tingling Birch fhe felt :
How hard, Mamma, muft be thy heart
To make that lovely Bum to fmart!Thofe twinful orbs late fpotlefs fhow
Now with deep tints of crimfon glow!
The blufhing rofes of her cheek,
Have rivals now not far to feek!"
April 28, 2009..Five more new
Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings
Gallery #146.
Three new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #152.
April 22, 2009..Five new
Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings
Gallery #146.
new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #150.
new images.in Drawings
Gallery #151.
new images.in Drawings
Gallery #152.
March 24, 2009..Two new
images.in Comics Gallery
Fourteen new images.in Drawings
Gallery #151.
March 16, 2009..Animeotk.com.hosts Handprints. So if Animeotk.com.goes under for lack of financial support, Handprints will be without a home also. Below is an urgent message from Ai, Animeotk's owner:
Dear All,
Further to our PM last December (Hard copy here: http://animeotk.com/forum/showthread.php/anime_otk_needs-5504/index.html ) it troubles me to say that AnimeOTK.com and it's sister sites still need your help to stay open. The kind and generous donations we received back than are running very low and will not cover our hosting bill due at the end of this month. The British pound is still at an all time low against the dollar and it's making the hosting for this site more expensive than ever.
The semi-good news is I have built a new server, however the company I was planning on hosting with has changed their Terms of Service and no longer allow the size of server I built meaning that I either need to find a new hosting company or rebuild the server. So currently, our server fee is still costing $250 a month. Advert revenue has increased slightly but not by much, and is still nowhere near to covering our operating costs. The last donation drive paid for 4 months of hosting and some script renewals (NOTE: OTK and it's sister sites are now fully updated to the latest version of VBulletin) so I'm hoping that with a new drive we can get enough for another 4 months. This should see us through to being hosted on our new server.
For instructions on how to donate please send us a message through the Contact Us form and select "Donation Inquiry." If you do donate, please be sure to include your forum username and all of the sites you are a member of so your account can be upgraded to VIP donator status with minimal delays. VIP Donator status entitles you to unlimited daily downloads from the AnimeOTK Downloads area, bigger PM storage and our promise that provided you are logged in you will never see another advert on AnimeOTK or it's sister sites again.
If you love this site as much I do please consider making a small contribution to help us stay alive and keep going.
-AiMarch 1, 2009..Two new Toma.images.in Drawings
Gallery #148.
Two new images.in Drawings
Gallery #151.
February 24, 2009..One new animated Toma.image.here.in Drawings Gallery #148.
February 23, 2009..Twenty two new images.in Drawings Gallery #151.
February 10, 2009. One new Toma.image.in Drawings Gallery #148.
February 8, 2009. Three new images.in Drawings Gallery #149.
February 7, 2009..New link.to the new location of Gauis Marius's.Glory Bee Comix.
February 5, 2009..Check
out the newest Handprints
Spanking Humor page!
new images.in Drawings
Gallery #149.
January 28, 2009.. Four
new Toma.images.inDrawings
Gallery #148.
Eight new images.in Drawings
Gallery #149.
January 3, 2009..Ten new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #149.
One new Toma.image.in Drawings
Gallery #148.
January 2, 2009..Final five new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings Gallery #150.
December 23, 2008..Five more
new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #150.
Five new.images.in Drawings
Gallery #149.
December 20, 2008..Two more new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings Gallery #150.
December 18, 2008..Three more new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings Gallery #150.
December 13, 2008..Three new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings Gallery #150.
December 3, 2008..Ten new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings Gallery #150.
December 2, 2008..Twenty
new.images.in Drawings
Gallery #147.
Twenty new.images.in Drawings
Gallery #149.
Three new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Eleven new Toma.images.in Drawings
Gallery #148.
October 11, 2008..Ten new
Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings
Gallery #146.
One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Fourteen new.images.in Drawings
Gallery #145.
October 1, 2008..Two new Toma.images.in Drawings Gallery #130.
September 13, 2008.. Three
new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
One new.image.in Drawings
Gallery #144.
Twenty One new.images.in Drawings
Gallery #145.
August 13, 2008..Ten new
Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings
Gallery #142.
Two new Gauis Marius
images.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
Four new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
August 10, 2008..Five new.images.in Drawings Gallery #144.
July 29, 2008..Eight new.images.in Drawings Gallery #144.
July 18, 2008..Three new
Toma.images.in Drawings
Gallery #130.
Twenty three new.images.in Drawings
Gallery #144.
Recently I discovered the Cartoon Network's Adult Swim clay animation series, "Moral Orel." There are spanking references in nearly every episode, with Orel shown in his father's study pulling his pants up and his father sitting in the armchair still holding the spanking belt. In a couple episodes there are on screen spankings of clay puppet children. This show mocks American midwestern conservative white Protestant culture, and is often shocking and dark; so if you think something like that might offend you, you've been warned.
The above is from Season 1 Episode 8,
June 30, 2008..Three new.images.in Drawings Gallery #144.
June 21, 2008..Twenty nine new images.in Drawings Gallery #143.
June 20, 2008..One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings Gallery #137.
June 17, 2008..LR.supplies the graphics for this new image. You supply the dialogue. When you figure out what they are saying to each other, post it in the Guestbook.
June 7, 2008..Three new.jd.images.in Drawings
Gallery #141.
Two new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Ten new images.in Drawings
Gallery #143.
May 3, 2008..Two new Toma.images.in Drawings
Gallery #130.
Six.new images.in Drawings
Gallery #141.
April 14, 2008.. Four new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings Gallery #137. Of this one, Droo writes: "Back when I was 7 or 8 years old, I attended a private summer school for a brief period. There was a young couple who used to come once a week and give talks about places they'd visited in the world, and they had just returned from China. Visiting China was a very unusual thing at that time, for you young'uns - because Nixon had only just normalized relations with them.
Anyway, I remember this very vividly: they were telling us about elementary schools in China, and they said that every morning you had to bow to the teacher when she came in. And if you didn't (I remember the exact sentence to this very day) 'you get a very hard spanking - with a stick!'
At the time I made a mental note to myself to never forget to bow to the teacher if I ever ended up a student in a Chinese elementary school! But of course, the little spanko in me kept conjuring up visions of what would happen if I didn't - and even of deliberately not bowing just so I could experience it.
I was thinking about that late last night and it inspired this drawing. The idea here is that it's a picture from a 'National Geographic' type magazine story about a fictional Asian country I've named 'Kentarabang' (which is bastardized Malaysian, as is the phrase in the caption. It's not real Malaysian, just made up words that sort of sound like Malaysian words."
One new Toma.image.here in Drawings Gallery #130.
Three new Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings Gallery #142.
Three.new images.in Drawings Gallery #141, including this restored version of an image previously posted (thanks L!):
by Katharine Gassaway
March 28, 2008..Five new.D Adams.images.in Drawings Gallery #141.
March 25, 2008..One new.Drooaygah.image.here.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Twelve new images.in Drawings
Gallery #141.
March 24, 2008..Check out Boyz Being Boyz, Rogue The Bronze Firelizard's new site modeled on Handprints.but with boy spankees!
March 10, 2008..Twenty new Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings Gallery #142.
February 21, 2008..One new Chip Wilson image.in Drawings Gallery #141. Wilson writes, "I should clarify my compositional technique on this image in order to assure viewers that it depicts no actual person. The base B&W line drawing is partially traced from approximately ten photographs, most taken by me of my own figure (e.g. hands, which I cannot draw well off the top of my head), others depicting furniture, hair, eyes, ears, and so forth. Coloring is done manually. Clothing, switch on floor, welts are original."
Artists, please do not ever send any spanking image to Handprints which contains a digitally altered photo of a minor, however like a drawing the final product may appear. Unlike drawings, photos are potentially legally dicey, in addition to ethical concerns.
February 16, 2008..Ten new images.in Drawings Gallery #141.
February 11, 2008..One new.Drooaygah.image.here.in Drawings Gallery #137.
February 8, 2008..The Spanking Art Wiki is back up, now at http://www.spankingart.org/wiki/Main_Page.
January 31, 2008..It's official. The Spanking Art Wiki has been shut down. Click here to read Wikia Inc.'s weak, inadequate, response to critics.
January 27, 2008..The Spanking Art Wiki has been shut down by self-appointed moralists, possibly permanently. Spankart reports, "According to Wikia, the closure is temporary 'to give us the breathing space to further discuss this issue, and come to some conclusions about the future of spankingart.' We will have to see how things develop in the next few days. A full database backup of the wiki is preserved. In case it turns out that we can't continue at Wikia, we could look for a new host and if we find one, we could make a relaunch of the wiki. But let's be patient for a few days and see what the discussion with Wikia will bring. Thanks in advance for your support for our spanking art wiki, which belongs to the entire community.
"Last week one of our editors created a new article at the lemma "Boy scout" that described in some detail what a boy scout is (practically the same information you can find at Wikipedia, only in our own words), plus a brief paragraph on boy scouts in spanking art and in adult spanking roleplay. The article was illustrated with 3 images: a) a vintage photo of a boy scout, b) a contemporary photo of a group of boy scouts, c) a boy scout spanking cartoon by Comixpank. All images were under a GFDL-compatible free license.
"The image b) was copied from Wikimedia Commons, a usual procedure in GFDL-licensed wikis. The controversy began when our "Boy scout" article was brought to the attention to people at 'Wikipedia Review' (an anti-Wikipedia and anti-Wikia forum) and at Wikipedia (at Jimbo's user page). Some people expressed the view that it was a violation of the children's personality rights to post their photo on a site such as the Spanking Art Wiki (even if the GFDL license permits reusing the image by anyone and for any purpose whatsoever). Several people there made accusations against the Spanking Art Wiki in general: some called it 'p3d0phi1e' and others claimed it 'advocated and condoned violence and child abuse.' Needless to say, none of this is true. At least one person, the initiator of the controversy, contacted Jimbo and Wikia staff and asked them to shut down our wiki.
"The next day, Wikia contacted me and asked me to delete all contemporary photos of minors from the wiki because of that personality rights debate. I complied to their request and introduced a new rule to our official image use policy. 74 images out of 1,200 were deleted and we thought the debate was settled. That was three days ago. Then, yesterday, Wikia closed down our wiki 'temporarily' and contacted me by e-mail explaining that they will need some days to discuss this issue further.
"There was actually nothing special at all about the Boy scout article. We've had articles similar to this one for years. The article was written/edited by both another user and by me (I can't look up the exact history now), but it was me who had added image b), so I take the blame for that.
"By the way, just to avoid misunderstanding: The image that the controversy was about is not a spanking photo. It's the second image from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_scout (" Boy Scouts at a campfire ring at summer camp"). Of the 74 images that we removed, only one was a spanking photo (a birthday spanking snapshot, F/f, fully clothed). 73 were normal mainstream photos from sites such as Wikipedia or Flickr that were available for reuse under a free license.
"In any case, the person who started the controversy did not discuss the image issue in our wiki, because his intention was from the beginning not to get the image removed but to get our entire wiki shut down. The image just suited his cause."
January 25, 2008..Roddy.sent this cute little poem to share. Entitled "Mummy."
Mummy, Mummy I confess
I've left my bedroom in a mess
Mummy, Mummy, oh what fun
You've got just one slipper on
Mummy, Mummy please don't frown
Why'd you pull my knickers down?
Mummy, Mummy tell me please
Why am I across your knees?
Mummy, Mummy please explain
Why I feel a sudden pain
Mummy, Mummy why've I got
A burning sting across my bot?
Mummy, Mummy tell me why
I've a sudden urge to cry?
Mummy, Mummy if you would
Let me up now. I'll be good!
January 22, 2008..Check out Richard James'.new poem, Forbidden Sweet! (A Handprints exclusive). If you like Richard's poetry, send him an email and tell him so. :-)
January 17, 2008..
One new.Drooaygah.animated image.here.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Two new Gauis
Marius images.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
This image.was based on art
by Drooaygah, altered by Ron
Wilson, and animated by Max.
One new.Drooaygah.image.here.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
January 5, 2008..One new Andy G. image.here.in Drawings Gallery #140. To understand the context of this new image, look at this one first.
January 4, 2008..Three new Gauis Marius images.in Drawings Gallery #131.
When I'm at home sometimes I'm
bad. (It makes my mother really mad!). I say "whatEVer!" - roll my eyes, And sass her back and tell her lies. Until this year I'd never
dared! So I won't do as I am
told, She says, "he'll toast
your bare behind. "Take off those pants and fold
them neat. Soon Dad will come, and
then... poor me! Uh oh! I must conclude my
poem. |
January 1, 2008..Ten new images in Drawings Gallery #139.
December 31, 2007..Twelve
new.Ann.images.in Drawings
Gallery #102.
Click here for Ann's Ann-ecdotes
about her childhood, with illustrations by Ann, of
The extremely rare 1925 spanking manual, "Correction
That Corrects," is now available free online.
December 22, 2007..Three new.Toma.images.in Drawings
Gallery #130.
One new image in Drawings
Gallery #139.
Thanks to Toma and to those who sent images.
December 12, 2007..Two new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #139.
new Beebee image.in Drawings
Gallery #21.
new image.in Comics Gallery
December 7, 2007..Cannibal Khan.sends his holiday regards to all.
December 4, 2007..Two new Gauis Mariusimages.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
new Minny
The Minx image.in Comics Gallery
#7. (Fixed the link)
Ten new
images.in Drawings
Gallery #139.
December 1, 2007..What
would you do if you wanted to learn how to give your imaginary
daughter a make-believe spanking? Drooaygah's.answer: consult a nonexistent book by a
fictitious parenting author!
One new.Drooaygah.image.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Two new images.in Drawings Gallery #135.
November 14, 2007..Three new images.in Drawings Gallery #135.
November 12, 2007..Seventeen new Lee Warner color'images.in Drawings Gallery #138.
November 3, 2007..One new
image.in Comics Gallery
new images.in Drawings
Gallery #135.
November 2, 2007..Five new.Little Audrey.images.in Comics Gallery
#1. (Most are full pages of panels previously
One new image.in Comics Gallery
Two new.Drooaygah.images.in Drawings
Gallery #137.
Three new.Toma.images.in Drawings
Gallery #130.
October 21, 2007..What Cannibal Khan saw on his summer vacation!
October 8, 2007..Twenty new Cannibal Khan images.in.Drawings Gallery #136.
October 1, 2007..If you own one of those "Heat To The Seat" type novelty spanking paddles, hang on to it and keep it in mint condition. It may become a rare collector's item. (Whatever you do, don't risk damaging your valuable memento by actually spanking a child with it!!) There is a movement afoot to stop the sale of all implements explicitly marketed for spanking children.
September 29, 2007..Four new
Lee Warner images.here,
here, here, and here, in Drawings
Gallery #112.
new Cannibal Khan
Gallery #129.
September 17, 2007..Handprints.now exists both in the new thehandprints.com domain and also in the old geocities domain. None of the old geocities galleries has been deleted. In case something goes wrong with thehandprints.com this will give us something to fall back on. On the Comics Page and the Drawings Galleries Page, there are links to both the old geocities versions and the current thehandprints.com versions of all but the most recent galleries (which were only on dawnoffreedom.com only and are hence now on thehandprints.com only). The links on the old geocities galleries still mostly go to the old geocities pages, including the old What's New page, which will not be updated henceforth. While surfing Handprints, if you want to be sure you are on the most up to date version of the site, look at your location bar to see if the address contains the word "geocities" (old) or "thehandprints" (new).
Fourteen new Toma images.in Drawings
Gallery #130.
Sixteen new images in Drawings
Gallery #135.
Seven new Gauis
Marius images.in Drawings
Gallery #131.
One new
image.in Comics Gallery
September 16, 2007..Spankart's new video promoting The Spanking Art Wiki was
taken down by youtube within hours for "violating terms of use."
(BOOO! :-( ) But you may still be
able to see it here.
"I'd very much appreciate if you could encourage other artists
(maybe on your What's New Page) to put some of their works under a free
license such as 'Creative
Commons BY-SA' or the 'GNU Free
Documentation License' (or even to release them to the
public domain), which enables others to legally reuse them. I
have begun to set a good example in my wiki, and other
artists such as Franco and Gauis
Marius have already
One new Su animated image.here, in Drawings
Gallery #126.
Seven new Underground
Artist animations.in Drawings
Gallery #92.
Five new Riku images.in Drawings
Gallery #132.
Thirty-five new images.in Drawings
Gallery #134.
September 1, 2007..One new image.here.in Drawings Gallery #39.
August 30, 2007..The Handprints viewer who so kindly allowed us to use the dawnoffreedom.com domain for galleries has lost the domain. However, spanking artist Ai has generously stepped forward to offer replacement bandwidth, this time in a new domain, thehandprints.com, kindly hosted by animeotk.com. All of the Drawings Galleries which recently vanished with the disappearance of dawnoffreedom.com have been moved to the new domain and should be accessible again.
July 29, 2007..I've
been away for a few weeks, so here is a major update, today and
yesterday. I will be away for part of August, beginning
soon, so if I am slow to return emails or to acknowledge
submission of artwork, it is nothing personal.
Two new Riku images.here,
and here, in.Drawings
Gallery #93.
Fifteen new Riku.images.in.Drawings
Gallery #132.
Twenty new images.in Drawings
Gallery #133.
July 28, 2007..One new
Lee Warner.image.here.in Drawings
Gallery #112.
Four new Lee
Warner color'images.here, here, here, and here, in Drawings
Gallery #124.
Seven new Toma.images. in Drawings
Gallery #130.
Three new Gauis
Marius images.here, here, and here, in Drawings
Gallery #131.
Three new images.in Drawings
Gallery #128.
July 10, 2007..Apologies to
those whose emails I haven't answered, especially those who have
sent artwork and haven't heard back from me. I have had
some other stuff going on in my life and haven't had time to
deal with the mailbox and may not for a while
longer. I have popped in here to post the following
message because it simply can't wait.
speed given to those who can afford to pay expensive extra
premiums, while sites such as Handprints.could be
slowed down to a crawl. This is not a "political"
left/right kind of issue. Moveon.org, the American
center-left political action committee, and Rev. Pat Robertson's
rightist Christian Coalition, two organizations which normally
disagree on every issue, jointly took out full page newspaper
ads opposing the corporate power grab and advocating
continuation of net neutrality.
Do you want to see Handprints.slowed down
to a crawl? If not please click here to take
action. If you are a U.S. citizen, this link will
allow you to write to your representatives and also to sign an
online petition to Congress. Whether or not you are a U.S.
citizen, you may register your opinion in favor of defending and
continuing net neutrality with the FCC from this link, but you
must do so before July 16th. Please act now!
June 22, 2007..Ten new Lee Warner color'images.in Drawings Gallery #124.
Two new Lee Warner.images.in Drawings Gallery #112.
June 10, 2007 One new.Toma.image. in Drawings Gallery #116.
Twenty new Cannibal Khan imagesin.Drawings Gallery #129.
June 3, 2007 Giving nonfictional spankings to real life children is now illegal in New Zealand, in the wake of an overwhelming 113-7 parlimentary vote - making it the nineteenth country to pass such a ban. But here in Old Handpryntsland, make-believe spankings of imaginary children will always remain legal!!!!!
Seven new Toma.images. in Drawings Gallery #116.
Five new images.in Drawings Gallery #127.
Seventeen newimages.in Drawings Gallery #128.
Three new Gauis Marius images in Drawings Gallery #123.
One new image.here.in Comics Gallery #7.
One new Little Audrey image.here.in Comics Gallery #1.
April 29, 2007 Three newToma
images.here, here, and here in Drawings
Gallery #116.
Two new E.Ghost.S.images.here and here in Drawings
Gallery #118.
One new.video
on the Handprints
Videos Page.
SAID I was sorry! Please! I won't do it again, honestly!
DAD: [unfastening his belt] That is the same thing you said last time. So THIS time I'm going to do what I SHOULD have done LAST time! JOYCE: NOOOO! DAD: Young lady, pull down your jeans and panties and lie down on the bed. NOW! Prepare for the whipping of your life! JOYCE: Pleasepleaseplease Daddy! Can't you punish me some OTHER way?? DAD: [pauses to reflect] Very well. I'll give you a choice. You can lie down on the bed and cry your eyes out while Daddy raises excruciating crimson welts on your tender little bottom with his belt and doesn't stop until you are reduced to exhausted, broken submission, or... JOYCE: Or what Daddy?! OR WHAT?!?! DAD: Or... you can sit down in front of the computer and look at the drawings and comics on the Handprints Spanking Art & Stories Page, young lady! JOYCE: [gulps] Y-you mean... the one with all those p-pictures from Little Audrey comics... and Nancy... and Little Jinx? DAD: Yes. JOYCE: A-and drawings b-by Ron Wilson and Gauis and Toma a-a-and Lee Warner? DAD: Um Hmm. JOYCE: And Spankart and Mr KD and C-Cannibal Khan and Underground Artist and Droo- DAD: That's the one, Pumpkin. JOYCE: [gasps] But Daddy... those pictures... they don't have any CONTEXT!!!!!!! DAD: They certainly don't. If they did, this wouldn't be an effective punishment for you, now would it? JOYCE: [in a whisper] N-no... D-Daddy... DAD: Well? You have your choice. Make up your mind! JOYCE:
[eyes brimming with tears as she begins to unfasten
her jeans] I-I-I guess there
ARE some things that are worse than a licking!
DAD: There certainly are, Pumpkin. The world is full of terrible, terrible things: poverty, starvation, racial hatred, drawings of little girls getting spanked, ethnic cleansing, disease, war... [raises the belt to deliver the first lash] JOYCE: Daddy? DAD: [still holding the belt in the air] Yes, Pumpkin? JOYCE: Thank you for just whippin' me instead of making me look at those... those... those pictures of little girls gettin' spanked without any CONTEXT, Daddy! DAD: You're welcome, Princess. Daddy loves you very much. [brings the belt down across her bottom cheeks with a thundering THWACK] |
April 23, 2007 Five new Toma images.in Drawings Gallery #116.
April 8, 2007..One new Lee Warner color'image.here.in Drawings Gallery #124.
April 6, 2007..Three new animated videos.here, here.and here.on the Handprints Videos Page.
April 5, 2007..Four new animated images in Drawings Gallery #125.
Seven new Su animated images in Drawings Gallery #126.
Five new Gauis Mariusimages in Drawings Gallery #123.
One new.image.here.in Comics Gallery #7.
One new Little Iodine image.here.in Comics Gallery #3.
Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #127.
April 4, 2007 Two new.images.in Comics Gallery #7.
Two new video clips on the Handprints Videos Page, which Cannibal Khan was nice enough to film off the tv screen, digitize, and send for our enjoyment. The classroom scene is from a 2002 movie entitled "Evelyn" based on a true story about a legal case in Ireland. The bedroom scene is from "The Flame Trees of Thika," a PBS mini-series from the mid-1980's. It too is based on a true story, a memoir written by Elspeth Huxley about her experiences as a child in British-colonial Africa. Holly Aird plays 11-year-old spanked Elspeth.
Thirteen new Little Audrey images in Comics Gallery #1. Ten of these images are two complete five page comic episodes each with spanking content. There is also a clearner version of an older image here.
Four new Little Iodine images.here, here, here.and here, in Comics Gallery #3, and a cleaner version of an older image here.
April 3, 2007 Spanking a child in the home is now illegal in The Netherlands as of last month. This makes eighteen countries which now have total bans on all forms of spanking of real life children. Several more countries are close to passing similar laws making it a crime for a nonfictional parent to turn a real-life child over their knee. But rest assured that in The Fantasylands make-believe children are still subject to frequent and sound bottom warmings for the tiniest misbehaviors! And The Handprints Spanking Art & Stories Page and all of its contributing artists remain committed to keeping everyone up to date on the use of spanking as the sole form of discipline for every ficticious little girl who lives there.
March 30, 2007..Check out the Anime OTK Page. You have to register as a member to see full sized images but it is free and growing fast.
March 29, 2007..Twenty new images in brand spanking new Drawings Gallery #122.
Twenty new Gauis Marius images.in Drawings Gallery #123.
Two new Lee Warner.images.here.and here.in Drawings Gallery #112.
Three new Lee Warner color'images.here, here.and.here.in Drawings Gallery #111.
Ten new Lee Warner color'images in Drawings Gallery #124.
Two new Toma.images.here.and.here.in Drawings Gallery #116.
March 4, 2007..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #121.
February 26, 2007
Two new Toma images.here.and.here.in Drawings
Gallery #116.
Twenty new images in Drawings
Gallery #120.
February 19, 2007 OTwo
new E.Ghost.S.images in Drawings
Gallery #118.
One new link on
the Links Page to Ann's
Pictures, devoted to the spanking art of Ann
February 18, 2007
Four new Cannibal Khan images.here,,here, here,
and here
in Drawings Gallery #109.
Twelve new Cannibal Khan imagesin.Drawings
Gallery #119.
February 13, 2007
Thirteen new E.Ghost.S.images in Drawings
Gallery #118.
Twenty new images in Drawings
Gallery #117.
January 25, 2007 Four new Toma images in Drawings Gallery #116.
January 13, 2007
Two new links on the Links Page, to spanking artist Miyuki's Little Garden
(girl spanking art), and Boy's Kingdom (boy
spanking art).
One new Lee Warner.image here.in Drawings Gallery #112.
Four new Lee Warner color'images in Drawings
Lee Warner writes: "The drawings recently posted,
even more than my previous ones, are a community effort. Most of
them use things I got from people who sent me emails. Some sent
ideas, both things they�d like to see and authentic descriptions
of actual spankings they had witnessed. Others sent useful
photos, or links to good photo sites. Two of the photocomposites
on which drawings are based are not mine at all, but were sent
by another. And for the drawing [lwclr036.jpg],
one with the Discipline With Love book and a flexible
plastic rod (a nasty device formerly commercially available, by
the way), a young adult did me the favor of taking a photo of
herself in just the same position, with her skirt hiked up and
panties down as you see it. Finally, Handprince gave excellent
�art direction� suggestions for improvements on almost every
drawing. Apologies to those who sent material I haven�t had time
to use, and thanks to all."
"Clothes For Dolly"
January 12, 2007 One new image here in Comics Gallery #7.
January 10, 2007 Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #115.
January 6, 2007
new Lee Warner.images.in Drawings
Gallery #112.
Five new Lee
Warner color'images in Drawings
Gallery #111.
January 2, 2007 Two new images here.and.here in Comics Gallery #7.
December 24, 2006 Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #113.
Twenty more new images in Drawings Gallery #114.
December 10, 2006 Two new Toma images.here and here in Drawings Gallery #103.
November 29, 2006 One new Toma image in Drawings Gallery #103.
November 23, 2006 One new video clip here, on the Handprints Videos Page. (Count Spankula is a cartoon vampire who spanks naughty children.)
November 22, 2006 Three new Lee Warner color'images.here, here, and here, in Drawings Gallery #105.
Four new Lee Warner color'images in Drawings Gallery #111.
Five new Lee Warner images in Drawings Gallery #112.
November 1, 2006 One new Cannibal Khan image.here in Drawings Gallery #109.
September 15, 2006 Four new Lee
Warner color'images in Drawings
September 4, 2006..Ten new Lee Warner images in Drawings Gallery #104.
One new F.S.T. Coloration imagehere in Drawings Gallery #30.
One new Choko.image in Drawings Gallery #97.
One new Riku.image.here in Drawings Gallery #93.
Four new Toma.images.in Drawings Gallery #103.
Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #110.
September 2, 2006 A bunch of drawings galleries have now been mirrored, including some lower numbered ones which have long been almost impossible to access due to bandwidth shutdowns. Check out the alternate links in small print on the Drawings Galleries Page.
August 26, 2006 Fifteen new Cannibal Khan images in Drawings Gallery #109.
If you have been having trouble accessing Cannibal Khan's four earlier galleries, try them again here, here, here, and here.
August 12, 2006 Twenty new Gauis Marius images.in Drawings Gallery #108.
August 11, 2006 Trying and trying and trying to view Lee Warner's images in Drawings Galleries #95, 104, and 105? Fed up with yahoo's bandwidth limitations which keep the galleries from behaving properly? Do you have half a mind to take yahoo over your knee??? Wait! There's an alternative! Click on the three links in the first sentence of this paragraph to view these three galleries with no bandwidth related shutdowns. These versions of the three galleries are on an ftp site kindly donated by a Handprints viewer. (Thanks R!). If this experiment works out, gradually more and more galleries will be shifted over to the new site. The new site does have bandwidth limits also, but they are much more generous than yahoo.
One new Lee Warner image.here, in Drawings Gallery #104.
July 23, 2006 New link on the Links Page to Anime Spanking Archive.
June 26, 2006 One new Lee Warner image.here, in Drawings Gallery #104.
June 25, 2006 Two new Lee
Warner images.here
and here,
in Drawings Gallery #104.
Eight new Lee
Warner color'images.in Drawings
#105. Unless you are visiting this gallery for the
first time, please click only on the eight thumbnails with "new" written
underneath them. This will help conserve bandwidth so that
the gallery won't be shut down as often by Geocities.
June 14, 2006 Hereis how to use American Sign Language to promise a deaf person a spanking. And if your intended listener can hear, this is how to pronounce the word correctly.
June 11, 2006..Cute anime spanking short.
May 30, 2006 Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #107. If you can't see the Gallery due to bandwidth overusage, you may download it as a zip file here. (See May 1st entry below if you need instructions on downloading).
May 29, 2006 One new Ann.image.here
in Drawings Gallery #102.
new images in Drawings
#106. If you can't see the Gallery due to bandwidth
overusage, you may download it as a zip file here.
May 1st entry below if you need instructions on downloading).
May 13, 2006 New link to Chip Wilson's essay, "How James Dobson Changed My Life." When he was in fifth grade, after his parents bought a parenting book by conservative Christian talk show host, James Dobson: "My parents had spanked my sister and I previously, but those punishments had been spontaneously delivered, over clothing, and scarcely memorable. The 'new style' involved ritual and suffering. It involved waiting, marching outside out to the base of the yard in full view of neighbors, pulling down pants and underwear, and leaning against a tree with the bottom out for a highly memorable spanking or switching. These were events that make me blush to this day to recall."
May 1, 2006 Click here for the classic M/f spanking scene from the mainstream movie, Battle of Villa Fiorita. The previously posted link was bad. (Thanks M!). (Best viewed with RealPlayer.)
to download the ten
Lee Warner color'images
of Drawings Gallery #105 as a compressed zip file.
Click here
to download the ten
Lee Warner black and white images from Drawings Gallery
After you have clicked on one of the above links and the
Rapidshare page appears, scroll down and click on the "Free"
button. Non-members have to wait a period of time,
usually one minute, before their download can begin. Once
your waiting time has passed, enter the three-character code
which appears on the page, then click to begin your
download. (These files were compressed with Winzip.)
popular galleries have been shutting down frequently due to
exceeding prorated hourly bandwidth. If you have been
unable to view the galleries you may now download the zip
files. Hopefully this will help decrease the bandwidth
demand and enable both galleries to stay open longer.
April 30, 2006 It's National Spankout Day!
April 24, 2006 Click here for The Wooden Spoon, a 9 minute short film in which a little girl (played by an adult actress) gets an otk spanking from her father.
April 22, 2006 Ten new Lee
Warner images'in Drawings
Ten more new Lee Warner color'images.in Drawings
April 15, 2006 Three new Underground
Artist animations here,
here'and here,
in Drawings Gallery #92.
Three new Lee Warner images.here,
and here,
in Drawings Gallery #95.
Fifteen new Toma'images in Drawings
April 14, 2006 Twenty new images in Drawings
Twenty more new images in Drawings
One newChoko'image'here,
in Drawings Gallery #97.
Six new Ann
images in Drawings
March 29, 2006 Cute anime featuring, as the M/f spankee, Amyfrom Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women!"
March 22, 2006 Ten new Choko images.in Drawings Gallery #97.
Eleven new DeeDee images in Drawings Gallery #98.
Twenty new images in Drawings Galllery #99.
One reworked Little Dot image here in Comics Gallery #2.
Two new Toma images.here and here, in Drawings Gallery #85.
Six new Little Iodine images in Comics Gallery #3.
Four new Underground Artist animations in Drawings Gallery #92.
Three new Jay Em images.here, here, and here, in Drawings Gallery #69.
March 21, 2006 Two new Lee Warner images in Drawings Gallery #95, here and here.
March 20, 2006 Click here for an article about a Phillipina TV star who believes in spankings as discipline for her little twins.
Twenty new Cannibal Khan images in Drawings Gallery #96.
March 16, 2006 One new Toma image on Handprints Spanking Humor Page #3
March 9, 2006 A link in Lee Warner's gallery which led to a thumbnail rather than the full sized image has now been fixed.
Five new Lee Warner images and one revision of an earlier image in Drawings Gallery #95.
This site contains video clips from Sailor Moon anime (dubbed in French), including several spanking clips.
One new Lone Radish image on Handprints Spanking Humor Page #3.
previously corrupted anime clip, Urusei
Yatsura, on the Handprints Video Page,
has been replaced.
February 26, 2006..Ten new images in Drawings Gallery #95 from exciting new spanking artist, Lee Warner.
February 19, 2006..Two new jokes on the Handprints Spanking Humor Page #5.
February 18, 2006..For now, Handprints
has a Videos Page.
are 16 video clips. For the heck of it, I also tossed on a
bunch of animated gifs which have not been put on the main site
before for various reasons. This Videos Page might
get nuked at any moment, so if you want to download
from it, do so right now!
February 10, 2006..Click here for an ABC news story on spanking featuring a "Desperate Housewives" clip of a woman turning a little boy she is babysitting across her knee.
February 9, 2006..Click here for a delightful clip from "Blondie Hits The Jackpot," a 50's movie based on the Dagwood and Blondie comic strip. The spanked teen girl is Dagwood's boss's daughter.
January 25, 2006..Two new Mr KD images in Drawings Gallery #8.
January 24, 2006 New linkto Cannibal Khan's discussion forum about how we first became interested in the subject of spanking. Drop in and share your story!
January 22, 2006..Click here for a tv commercial from 1970 with a cute not-too-old-for-a-spanking-herself little girl spanking her doll. The commercial begins about 40 seconds into the stream and lasts one minute.
January 21, 2006..One new An image in Drawings Gallery #77.
Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #91.
Seven new Underground Artist animations in Drawings Gallery #92.
Twelve new Riku images in Drawings Gallery #93.
Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #94.
January 20, 2006..Two new Ron Wilson images.in Drawings Gallery #18 (based on Beatrice Reinhart's book - see Jan. 4th entry).
Ten new images in Drawings
#88 from exciting new artist, Cannibal Khan.
Ten more new Cannibal
Khan images in Drawings
ten new Cannibal Khan
images in Drawings
January 14, 2006..Click here for a news video about the controversy surrounding a seventh grader paddled in a North Carolina middle school.
January 4, 2006...Two new jokes on the Handprints Spanking Humor Page #5.
December 15, 2005..One new Underground
Artist animationin Drawings
December 6, 2005. Five new
imagesin Drawings
Two new Underground
Artist animationsin Drawings
October 2, 2005..Six new SpankArt images.in Comics Gallery #9.
July 30, 2005..Twenty new images.in Drawings Gallery #87.
May 17, 2005..Twenty new images.in Drawings Gallery #86. As always, be patient if you get a message saying the page is temporarily down. Geocities, prorates our bandwidth on an hourly basis and does this when too many people have been downloading images at once. If you get the screen saying the page is temporarily down, come back later and try again. The newest and/or most popular galleries experience this the most.
May 10, 2005..New link to a television news article about child spanking. (Thanks M!)
April 28, 2005..One new joke on the Handprints Spanking Humor Page #5.
April 20, 2005..Thirteen new Toma.images in Drawings Gallery #85.
April 19, 2005. Two
new links to downloadable short films with juvenile spanking
content, from the USA's Library
of Congress of all places: "Maude's
Naughty Little Brother" (M/m 1900) and, Buster's Dog
to the Rescue" (F/m 1904).
Twenty new images.in Drawings
March 15, 2005..Spent
the day sprucing up the Stories section and fixing some bad
links I didn't realize were there. "If Tom Hadn't Been
Noble" has two new images by Lawrence, here
and here.
Ten new Fairphylis images.in Drawings
One new Riku image.here.
March 12, 2005..New
link to a voy discussion forum: Childhood Spanking Memories.
Twenty new images.in Drawings
February 6, 2005..New link on the Links Page, to "Lil' Red Bottom's Spanking Site" which is a juvenile spanking art page just starting out. Playtown Bingo and My Hobby have changed their web addresses.
December 4, 2004..New link to an article about a bill to outlaw spanking, with a photo.
Question for Handprints readers: If a man gives his mother or father a spanking, would the red spot on their buns afterwards be considered a 'son burn?'
December 3, 2004..A bare bottom spanking photo from the 1930's in a spankos' yahoo profile here. View at your own risk.
December 1, 2004..New
link. Barbara
Bush Spanks Son - Ushers in New Era of Peace, with photo...
Also, here is a Spanking Memories Message Board which is still open.
November 20, 2004..Three new
Little Iodine images.in Comics
new Assorted Panty-warmings images.in Comics
Toma images in Drawings
Nine new Riku images in Drawings
November 19, 2004..Here's
link to an art
contest with cash prizes, open to child artists aged
6-12. The topic is "How corporal punishment (paddling,
whooping, spanking by an adult) makes kids feel."
New link on the links page to a pro-spanking page entitled Spanking In Love
which advocates giving "forty minutes or
more" long spankings on the bare buttocks with a wooden spoon to
a child for "an attitude of defiance and rebellion."
(A child whose parents spank for forty minutes at a stretch has
a good reason to want to rebel!).
October 9, 2004..New link, to: I WAS SPANKED: MEMORIES OF SPANKINGS.
September 27, 2004..A bad link on the Security Page has been fixed. The link to download the free trial version of the BCWipe file-shredding program is here.
September 5, 2004..New link to An Annotated Bibliography of Spanking Scenes in Novels.
September 4, 2004..New link to Glory Bee Comics, the home of "America's Naughtiest Girl," created by Midnight, an exciting new spanking artist. Glory Bee is Midnight's public domain comic strip character and everyone is invited to create art and stories featuring her. She gets spanked 2-3 times a week, which works out to once per strip in comic book time...
September 3, 2004..New link to a discussion forum, More Memories of Childhood Punishment.
August 30, 2004..Flatt.introduced a new gallery on his site entitled La Maitresse featuring a good F/m spanking sequence.
August 16, 2004..Three new
Underground Artist animations in
Two new Toma images.in Drawings
August 5, 2004..Twenty
new images in Drawings
Twenty new images in Drawings
Six new Toma images in Drawings
July 31, 2004..Thirty
new Riku images.in Drawings
Fifteen new An images in Drawings
July 30, 2004.. Three
new Underground Artist animated images in Drawings
July 29, 2004..New link,
to an article in a British newspaper about "smacking," complete
with F/f otk photo!
July 24, 2004..All
the Comics
Galleries should be accessible again.
July 17, 2004..Eleven new Underground Artist animated images in Drawings Gallery #75.
The Handprints Security Page has been updated with an exchange between Mr. KD and HandPrince.
July 6, 2004,,Three new * ^ o ^ * images in Drawings Gallery #9. Four new Jay Em images in Drawings Gallery #69. Two new Toma images in Drawings Gallery #70.
July 5, 2004..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #74.
The new Handprints Security Page makes its debue.
July 4, 2004..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #73.
May 28, 2004..One new link: An Unintended Consequence of Spanking by Jenn, who was spanked twice a week as a little girl with a wooden spoon by her stepmother and a belt by her father, and then found herself fantasizing about spanking her classmates at school.
May 25, 2004..Two new links. The first is Girls Behaving Badly which reports on a recent poll done in Singapore which found that a majority thought Singaporan girls less well behaved than in the past and believed caning was the solution. The second is a piece by Susan who writes, "When a female's buttocks are struck, blood rushes to the vulva. There is a sexual component to something that is supposed to be about 'discipline' and making the child 'mind.' I wish those parents who spank would become aware of the sexual-abuse aspect of it." She adds, "The way that my body reacted to the spankings was to tense up. The upper part of my legs and my buttock area became very hard -- frozen. Through the years I dissociated from the sexual part of my body, and was out of touch with my body in general. The profound physical effects of spanking as well as the sexual humiliation aspect of it impacted my body's ability to orgasm."
April 30, 2004..Today is National Spankout Day!
Do you have the Home Page bookmarked for your return visits to Handprints? If you do, you are making the Barb image load every time you visit the site. You can help decrease bandwidth use by bookmarking the page you are on now, What's New, and henceforth coming here for your return visits instead. Not only can you get to the Comics, Drawings, Stories,and Links pages from here (see top of the screen) just as well as from the Home Page, What's New also lets you know what you haven't seen since your last visit. TheHome Page is intended for newcomers, with Barb's image making a "striking" first impression and setting the tone for their journey through the site. Handprints. veterans can simply come directly here and save bandwidth for everyone. The more bandwidth we save, the less frequently Geocities. shuts us down.
April 23, 2004..One new link, A Letter From A Spanko.
April 22, 2004..Two new links on the antispanking section of the Links Page: Spanking as Sexualized Abuse and The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children. Both warn that spankings in childhood, especially bare bottom spankings, can have lifelong sexual effects. Indeed, some such children may even grow up to surf the web for hours at a time as adults, in search of juvenile spanking images. (Imagine that!).
April 18, 2004..Three new links on the Links Page: The Economics of Spanking , Canada Tries To Sort Out the Good Spankings from the Bad and a tutorial for foster parents entitled Discipline and Punishment which explains why these two words don't mean the same thing.
In the first chapter of Lewis Caroll's children's classic, Through The Looking Glass, Alice is prattling to her pet kitten: "That's three faults, Kitty, and you've not been punished for any of them yet. You know I'm saving up all your punishments for Wednesday week -- Suppose they had saved up all MY punishments!" she went on, talking more to herself than the kitten. "What WOULD they do at the end of a year?"
What would they do indeed? The culture of Great Britain in 1862 was not noted for leniency in matters of child discipline. Would one of you spanking artists like to have a go at depicting the tableau of all Alice's punishments being carried out at once at the end of a year? Punishers could include Alice's mother, her nanny, her governess, and her music instructor, not to mention the Red Queen, Tweedledum, Tweedledee, Humpty Dumpty, the Mock Turtle, the Jabberwocky, the Walrus, the Carpenter, and perhaps Lewis Caroll himself (who would 'spank' her ever so gently... anything for an excuse to lift her skirts).
April 13, 2004..The Links Page has been updated with the correct link for the Maman site.
April 5, 2004..Two new links on the Links Page, Spanking Discussion Board and Spanking Young Children.
April 3, 2004..March was a record month for Handprints, with over 21,000 hits!
A bad link has been fixed so a recent Toma image is now accessible (bandwidth shutdowns permitting).
March 22, 2004..Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #72.
March 19, 2004..3mfd, has a couple of cute juvenile bare bottom spanking flash animations hereand here.
March 18, 2004..Twenty Seven new Ron Wilson.images in Drawings Gallery #16.
March 17, 2004..Four new Toma.images in Drawings Gallery #70.
March 16, 2004..Four new jokes on the Handprints Spanking Humor Page #5.
March 15, 2004j..One new link on the Links Page to an ultra-strict parenting site called Child Rearing.
March 9, 2004..Two new links on the Links Page. The first is to the Love Spanks site. Don't miss the cute Flash animations here and here. (You'll need to right-click on them and then click on "Play" to administer the spankings). The second is to Speak - OR SPANK, a Christian-orienteed homepage by a man who
March 8, 2004..One new Taira Kibato. image in Drawings Gallery #1.
March 7, 2004.. In the movie "Uptown Gir|s," Brittany Murphy plays Molly, nanny to 8 year old Ray, played by child starlet extraordinaire, Dakota F@nning. A surprise spanking reference in one scene: Molly is on the phone regaling her boyfriend's answering machine with how well she is handling her new nanny job: "I 'm like, Miss Proletariat now! Mop the floor... spank the brat... pick up the paycheck on Friday!"
This came as a surprise because no hint of spankings exists in the relationship between these two characters. (Indeed, Ray is surely fiction's most unspankable little girl since Pippi Longstocking). Nevertheless, this morning I awoke from dreaming a scene with Ray in her plaid skirted school uniform getting snatched up and put over Molly's knee to teach her that Miss Proletariat is boss.
Such a scene would have been all wrong for the movie but it certainly was perfect for a dream! (Would any of you artists like to give one this a shot?)
Were it physically possible, though, it would have been much more in-character for 8 year old Ray to toss grown-up Molly across Ray's little lap for a good tanning! In one scene in Ray's room Molly has turned the radio on loud to a station Ray hates and won't change the station. Then Molly playfully spins the protesting Ray around, and then loses control and falls backwards into Ray's shelves, causing Ray's carefully arranged toys to come raining down on the floor and sending Ray sprawling. Ray gives Molly a withering look and snaps "grow up!" before exiting the room. Oooooh if looks could spank... big Molly would have been over little Ray's knee in a flash!
March 6, 2004..Restored link, to Kids Who Spank -- where make-believe children dish out the discipline to naughty imaginary grown ups!
March 5, 2004..Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #71.
February 27, 2004.Visits to the What's New and Drawings pages have doubled since last week's overhaul, an indication that the site is shutting down less often due to exceeded bandwidth usage. Hits on the Gateway page, indicative of people discovering Handprintsfor the first time, have nearly quadrupled! Did you grow up wondering if you were "the only person in the world who is this way?" There are thousands of us out there!
One. brand spanking new.Toma.image in Drawings Gallery #70.
February 23, 2004.New
link: In
Memory of George Jackson Churchward, put up by Spankart, Ricky and
others, has five large galleries of George Jackson Churchward's work. This is probably the most
complete collection of Churchward spanking art currently on the web. Anyone
with backround information about this artist and his life,
please contact Spankart or me. His real first name was "Martin"
and his last name began with a "P." But even though his
memorable images of */f spanking scenes have been downloaded and
treasured by thousands, little is known about him.
Original poem, The Night Before Christmas, debuted here on the What's New page this past Christmas. It has now been moved to its own page along with a brand spanking new image by Hector Pit.
To help decrease bandwidth use, the What's New page now shows only announcements from the past year or so. The older announcements, dating back to the creation of Handprints in 1999, are now on the What's Old page just in case anyone wants to read them again for some reason. There is nothing new there so to conserve bandwidth please don't click on that link in the previous sentence unless you really do have an historical interest in past Handprints announcements. By removing the first few years of announcements to another page, the amount of bandwidth used up whenever someone lands on the What's New page has now been decreased by more than half. This alone will not prevent us from exceeding the Geocities bandwidth usage limitations leading to those annoying temporary shutdowns, but every little bit helps!
February 21, 2004.Anyone who has heard any juvenile spanking related jokes not already found on the Handprints Spanking Humor Pages.1,2, 3, or 4, please send them in!
Due to an unknown technical problem at Geocities.two weeks ago, 16 galleries vanished. These galleries have been laboriously reloaded file by file and are now accessible again: Drawings Gallery #'s 14, 19 ,20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, and 36.
Handprints has just completed a behind-the-scenes overhaul which will not change its appearance but which ought to make the What's New. page, the Drawings Galleries page and the Links page, not shut down quite so often due to Geocities' bandwidth limits. As a result of this overhaul, if you have Drawings Galleries #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10,11, 12, 15, 17, 38, or 40 directly bookmarked, you will need to go to the Drawings Gallery and click on their links from there to update your bookmarks. Otherwise, everything will look just like before and you don't need to do anything except surf and enjoy. Let's see if this works and if the site stays up more of the time now!
yes.... Four new.links on the Links Page.
The first is just called Punishment,
with some classic old 'human figure in motion' photos dating
back to the infancy of moving pictures. The second is Flatt's site,
"Housewives in
Charge," which includes a couple of F/m galleries here and here.
The third is DOMESTIC
THE BOOK - Corporal Punishment of Children and Adults.
fourth is a brief essay entitled "Our
is an Infinite God" which advocates
spankings as bonding experiences between parent and child.
(It certainly did not work this way for me as a
child. If you desire greater closeness with your real-life
children there are better ways to achieve this than by whacking
them on their buttocks until they are screaming with pain).
February 17, 2004..Nine new Jay Em images in Drawings Gallery #69.
Two new Mr. KD images in Drawings Gallery #8.
Eighteen new.Toma.images in Drawings Gallery #70.
Three new.Ann.images in Drawings Gallery #41.
February 10, 2004..Four new links on the Links Page, Cross Chan's Gallery of Punishment, Spank2Tears'.Spanking Stories Page, Bostnbob's Spanking in the Cinema, and Lawrence Kinden's Corporal Fiction.
January 19, 2004 One new link on the Links Page to Friends Reunited - CP.
Fans of Ron
Wilson who haven't already
done so will want to check out his Yahoo Group.
Miami man who beat girl
with belt faces charges, lawsuit
Miami Herald Tribune 12/29/2003
The Associated Press
MIAMI {AP} A man arrested after
hitting a 13-year-old girl with his belt for what he
called "out of control" behavior at
his mini-mart faces criminal charges and a
Lonnie Grigsby, 52, was arrested Dec.
12 on charges of misdemeanor battery
and false imprisonment, a felony, for
allegedly ordering another customer to
lock the shop's door and then beating
the girl.
Out on $6,500 bail, Grigsby denies
the door was locked, but acknowledges he
gave the girl, whose identity has not
been released, a "good whupping."
"She's beyond sassy; she's out of
control," said Grigsby, who said he hit the
girl after she called him a number of
expletives and threw two coins at his
head. "I bet her parents never gave
her a whupping. She needed it."
Grigsby said his parents never spared
him the belt and that using his belt on
his eight children kept them out of
December 24, 2003..Seven new links on the Links Page, one a very belated link to A Spanking Art Genre which I thought I had included on the Links Page ages ago but apparently didn't, and one to a sweet little F/f anime spanking clip which may only be there temporarily so watch it while you have the chance! In the third link, young adult Carolyn recounts in three parts (1, 2, and 3) her first experiences with spankings from her father, from age 10 to age 12. The fourth is a memory of the writer's six year old sister first putting Daddy's belt in the trash can when she knew she had a spanking coming, and then trying to fool her father by sticking a wadded up towel inside her panties. The fifth is a page from a family website in which Mom describes in detail how the children are disciplined in their home. Sixth is Landover Baptist Church's page on how to give a Christian spanking. Lastly, Spank While You Sell, an article about spanking images in advertising, with no less than 15 examples of such images.
December 4, 2003..Twenty new images. in..Drawings Gallery #68.
December 2, 2003..Two even newer jokes on Handprints Spanking Humor Page #2.
November 20, 2003,,Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #67, with art by Toma, LoveDragon, Trident, Lawrence, Droogahya, Axel, Douglas and more.
November 18, 2003..News story:
[Welasaco, Texas] "Twenty-eight students have been suspended from
a La Joya Middle School. Administrators say action was taken on a
group of girls because they were spanking each other. The
suspension has upset many parents. One woman says her daughter was
just playing around with friends, and doesn't feel they should be
punished. Students served a one day suspension."
Two new jokes
on Handprints
Humor Page #2.
Seventeen new jokes on Handprints
Humor Page #4.
November 6, 2003..Five new Ann.images.in Drawings Gallery #41.
October 30, 2003..Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #66.
October 7, 2003..New link on the Links
Page to a Christian Site called Biblical
new images in..Drawings
September 30, 2003..New link to Comixpank's new site: Whack!
September 18, 2003..Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #64.
July 30, 2003..New link: Spanking Harms Children, Especially Girls. This article is limited in scope, focusing only on real-life girls. What this article fails to address, of course, are the beneficial effects of imaginary spankings on make-believe girls!
Click here for a cute 12 second sequence from Japanese television of a grandmotherly woman in an apron pretending to spank a little girl across her lap in a blue dress. This is obviously staged, so it doesn't violate the HandPrints "no real life stuff" rule. The sequence starts with a close-up of the "haburashu" (hairbrush) and a female voice-over explains its usefulness for "oshiri wo tataku" ("honorable bottom smack") while the grandmotherly woman pretends to demonstrate its use. The little girl pretends to be in pain, crying "itai yo!" ("it hurts!") over and over.
I describe this so that those who already have it won't use up bandwidth downloading the file. If you haven't seen this and want to download it, right-click and select "save to disk" so you can download it once and can view it as often as you like in the future without using up more bandwidth. (This file is 1.8 megs, so it won't take too many people downloading before we exceed our temporary limit and get more temporary shutdowns from geocities).
July 21, 2003...Handprints. readers
will want to check out this Macromedia Flash cartoon animation
of a little
in a rabbit costume getting spanked by an offscreen
adult. You will need the Macromedia Player to
view it.
link on the
Links Page.
Twenty new images in..Drawings
July 2, 2003..Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #62.
May 26, 2003,,Handprints readers might enjoy this Village Voice Column about the spanko scene, birthday spankings, etc.
May 23, 2003..Twenty new images in..Drawings Gallery #61.
May 5. 2003
Check out this news story
about a man acquitted of assault for going into a 14 year old
girl's house and giving her a panties-down spanking for breaking
curfew. The spankee was a friend of the man's daughter and
he felt that the girl was a bad influence. "I spanked her
hard enough so she could feel it ... so it would sting, so she
wouldn't be able to sit down, so she would remember it," he
testified during his trial.
am not making this up, I swear...!
March 16, 2003..New link to the Spanking Memories Message
Board. Despite the similarity of names, this
is not affiliated with spankmemories, which I continue to urge the
entire spanko community to boycott for reasons outlined in the
April 6, 2002 entry on this page.
Twenty new images in..Drawings
March 3, 2003 Click here for an article about spanking written by two 15 year olds, along with a M/f spanking drawing by a 14 year old girl, based on her own experiences across her father's lap.
February 23, 2003..Twenty new
images in..Drawings
January 20, 2003..The link to Nobbin's
site updated on the Links
page. Check out
the "famous last words" Handprints
Humor Page #3. Several new limericks on the Handprints
Humor Page #1 .(thanks Simon!).
January 15, 2003...One
new link on the Links
January 11, 2003...The Spanking Jokes Page has been moved and reworked into two pages with some new material, Handprints Spanking Humor Page #1 and Handprints Spanking Humor Page #2...
Twenty new images..in Drawings Gallery #58.
23 November 2002..Three new animations..in Drawings Gallery #57.
14 October 2002 Twenty new images in.Drawings Gallery #56.
25 August 2002 New link on the Links Page. WWW.NOPADDLE.COM. This page is "an examination of school paddling and spanking as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment."
Don't forget to check for regular updates of page owner and author Jeff Charles' often visually explicit antispanking cartoons. His book-in-progress, Southern Education, features posed photos featuring teen model, Andrea, bent over for the paddle, so that readers can see in exact detail the method by which girls her age should never be disciplined. Read his book for the descriptions of school paddling incidents involving girls; you just might come away from it with an appreciation of the valid points he makes about sexual abuse of schoolgirls masquerading as "discipline."
3 August 2002...Two new images in Comics Gallery #2. Four new images in Comics Gallery #7.
2 August 2002...Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #55.
21 July 2002.. Drawings Gallery #54 is back.
11 July 2002..Dreamwater nuked us, so we are back on geocities again for
the foreseeable future. Handprints obviously needs an update, and I have been
remiss in doing so, for which I deserve to be etc. etc. etc.
is back again after their second nuking.
16 June 2002 New link.
1 June 2002 New link on the Links Page.
19 May 2002..The old Guestbook reached its maximum number of notes and will not accept new posts. So a new Guestbook #2 has been created. If you would like to read the older notes from the original Guestbook, click here. You won't be able to post to the older book, though, only read. If want to post a new message, please go to Guestbook #2. At the time of this writing, there are no posts to the new Guestbook yet because I just finished creating it. If you are quick, you may get to write the very first post in the new Guestbook! : - )
28 April 2002,,The quote of the week, from an actual mother: "Violence is not tolerated in our home. When I found my daughter hitting her doll with a stick, I gave her a good spanking -- one she wouldn't soon forget!" source
6 April 2002..
Over a year ago, I discovered that the spankmemories.com area of SpankingDigest was using one of my stories, "Aimee's First Spanking," to entice people to subscribe to their pay website, along with at least two others in the members-only area. I contacted them and asked that they either take the stories down, or else include a link to Handprints, where all these stories are, of course, available to the net public free of charge. For the past year, SpankingDigest.has been giving me the runaround, and using one delay tactic after another. I am fed up. The story is still on their site not only with no link to here, but with no author name given, and with all the copyright information ("[c] Handprince, 2001") removed.
At one point, "Sassy Jane" gave me a free membership to their site as compensation for using my stories. I accepted, and agreed they could use my stories, but always with the understanding that each story provide a clickable link to my site. "Sassy" agreed and said she would get around to it but a year later and numerous emails later the runaround turned out to be just that. "Sassy" offered me a cut of their profits if I let them use my stories, but I said no. I don't write stories for profit. I write them to give away, as gifts to the spanko community and as a contribution to our little corner of human culture. I welcome other websites featuring my stories, as long as they link to Handprints from the story. It is this simple, reasonable request which SpankingDigest finds impossible to comply with after over a year of delay tactics.
As I discovered during my membership period, at least 80% of the juvenile female spanking images on their site came directly off of Handprints. I think "Sassy" is afraid that if a single link to Handprints appears anywhere on hers, her readers who subscribe to see images like that will realize that they can simply come over here free of charge and download all they want. Then how would "Sassy" and [email protected] make any money? I think that is also why they removed my name from the stories, because they are afraid their members might do a web search on "Handprince" and discover the totally free, no membership required, Handprints site.
In addition to the story above, there are currently at least two other stories of mine on their site which are also copyrighted material. One is entitled "Suzie Gets A Spanking," and the other is "If Tom Hadn't Been Noble."
urge everyone to boycott SpankingDigest
if you aren't already doing so. They are a rip-off.
They use other people's copyrighted material to line their own
pockets. They don't update their page nearly as often as they
keep claiming they are about to do very, very soon, but they
keep billing their members' credit cards every month like
31 March 2002...New link on the Links
Page: Spanking
Creative Correction. Twenty
images.in Drawings
you are reading this, then you have found the new Handprints
home on Dreamwater. Bookmark this page, but don't delete
your old Geocities bookmarks. If Dreamwater
nukes us, we can just default back to Geocities
again. Most of the site is still on Geocities,
but all new galleries will be on Dreamwater
until further notice. Hopefully, this will cut down on the
temporary nukings due to high bandwidth use.
24 February 2002 New links, Toshi's Spanking Page, John Moore's Spanking Graphics, and Playtown-Bingo.
As you have undoubtedly noticed, Geocities now has bandwidth limitations which are prorated on an hourly basis. The shutdowns are temporary, but frequent (and very annoying). Try accessing at odd times of the day or night. If you download massive amounts of images in a short period of time, you alone could make the site shut down for an hour.
I just checked the hourly hits for the past few days and on the basis of this weekend, the best times to visit the site when traffic is lowest are 3 PM to 5 PM EST. 1 AM to 2 AM EST is sometimes pretty slow also. The worst times to attempt to visit the site are when Americans are getting up in the morning, and when Americans have finished dinner and are enjoying their evening "prime time" hours looking at drawings of bare bottom female child discipline. If too many people hit the page at the same time, Geocities temporarily shuts it down.
Needless to say, this is a pretty sorry situation. It is about the closest one can get to being nuked without actually being nuked. Unfortunately, lots of other free webspace providers also have similar limits, and many of them have already nuked us in the past anyhow. Geocities has never nuked us, and that still makes them stand out from the pack for the time being.
28 January 2002 New link, Spankart's A Spanking New Genre.
5 January 2002..Project Nospank has a new url. Ron no longer wants his artwork on the web, links to his galleries on Handprints have all been removed until further notice.
19 December 2001..False alarm... The new venue for Handprints turned out to be a bust. There is a 128K bandwidth limit there and we've been asked to clear out. So we are still on Geocities for the time being, along with the bandwidth limitations of Geocities.
18 December 2001..Three new Ann imagesin Drawings Gallery #41. Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #53.
14 November 2001 Liberian president, Charles Taylor, gave his thirteen year old daughter 10 strokes of the cane in front of her classmates at school. Click here for news story and photo of the actual caning in progress.
14 October 2001..New interactive spanking animation link.
9 September 2001 Five new Ron's Revisionsimages in Drawings Gallery #52. Ron fans may take heart, there are more updates where these came from! I have only included five today because of Geocities new restrictions on downloads. They prorate the downloads on an hourly basis to see if we are going over their 3 Gb per month limit. This means that if several of you are simultaneously downloading an entire gallery of twenty images, that could easily put Handprints over the line and cause the site (or part of it) to be temporarily shut down by Geocities to get the average back down again. So there will be more Ron images in Drawings Gallery #52 in the near future, but I intend to add them five at a time in the hopes of preventing these mini-nukings which Geocities has threatened. And remember, if you do find that part of Handprints is not on line, wait a few hours or a day and check again. It was probably just a mini-nuking.
7 September 2001
just sent an email saying that some Handprints
pages are so popular that they are exceeding the download limits
for free webpages. I had no idea there was any such thing as
download limits. They want me to send them money, which I am
not inclined to do since this website is a hobby which generates
no income for me at all. According to their email, certain
pages may be disabled temporarily from time to time if there are
too many megs of data being downloaded from them by readers.
Unfortunately, these will be the most popular pages, since those
pages will get the most people downloading images from them.
If you go to a Handprints
page and it seems to be gone, do not assume that the entire site
was nuked. Try again later, especially late at night or in
some other low usage time slot and with luck it will be back
Incidentally, speaking of nuking, the Guestbook..is now the defacto Emergency Page,
since the original Emergency Page is on Geocities like all the rest of the
site. So please bookmark the Guestbook
now if you haven't done so already. The "Spank With Love"
page on Geocities was just
nuked this week, and I would consider it to have been tamer than Handprints. Certain spanking
sites are being nuked from Yahoo Groups also, and Yahoo owns
Geocities. So it is possible that the entire Handprints site could be nuked at
any time. The Guestbook
is not under Geocities/Yahoo jurisdiction, though, and will not be
affected by such a nuking. So you can learn where the new
location is once it is up.
17 August 2001 New link on the Links Page.
is becoming harder and harder to find new images. There
are over a thousand image files on the Handprints
site, not counting the thumbnail files. The vastness of
this archive is making it more and more difficult to generate
new content for viewers. Most places on the web where I
look have only images which are already here. And
sometimes, when "new" ones appear they are images someone else
downloaded from Handprints, with the same filenames and everything.
More than ever, we are dependent upon submissions from original artists.
So if you have been considering sending some of those drawings
you keep locked up somewhere in the basement behind the water
heater underneath the crate of cracked flowerpots, now is the
time to do it. Don't think your art is very good?
Neither did the late George
Jackson Churchward. He
had to be coaxed into letting his art be put on the web!
He died still thinking his stuff wasn't very good at all.
But we all know better.
It isn't important if your work is professional-looking.
What is important is that it have "heart." If you are like
me, you probably grew up wondering if you were the only person
in the world who was "this way." Every time a new artist's
work appears on Handprints, it sends a message to all of the people whose
eccentric peccadillos lead them to this site in the first place,
and that message is: "You are not alone!!"
13 August 2001 One new David Betula image in Drawings Gallery #35. Two new images in Comics Gallery #1. Two new images in Comics Gallery #2. One new image in Comics Gallery #7.
12 August 2001 Theglobe.com, our current home, will cease to be on Wednesday, August 15. Be sure you have the Handprints Emergency Page bookmarked. The url is: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Bistro/1960/hpEmergency.html.
I am working on this, and hope to have every gallery accessible in a new location well before the Wednesday deadline. Directions to the new links will be posted on the Emergency Page. Be sure you have the Guestbook bookmarked as well. This is the ultimate "emergency page." I have not heard of a Dreambook.com guestbook ever being nuked. If you keep a bookmark of the Guestbook, you will always be able to find Handprints, come what may.
One new Ann image in Drawings Gallery #41. Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #51.
7 July 2001.In Ohio, a
man was sentenced to
this week simply for writing fiction in his private
journal which he kept in the home and never attempted to
publish. The story he wrote involved several imaginary
children imprisoned in his basement upon whom he, among other
things, inflicted severe imaginary punishments. This
outrageous case breaks new ground in the campaign to
criminalize people whose private fantasies fall outside the
mainstream. It also moves the permanent disappearance of
the Handprints website that much closer. Can
drawings and stories in which less extreme forms of pain are
inflicted on imaginary children be far behind now that someone
can be sentenced to hard time in the penitentary for writing fiction
at home in their diary?? To read more
about this deplorable case, see:
If you live in the USA, please write to your elected representatives and local media right now and express your dismay at this frightening new intrusion into the liberty and privacy of Americans. If you live outside the USA, please write to major American newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post making it clear how much your opinion of America as a supposedly "free" country has diminished as a result of this new case. Explain just how much destain you have for a country which lectures the rest of the world about "human rights" while committing such an outrageous act of oppression against one of its own citizens simply for having unpopular fantasies and setting them down on paper for personal use.
If you want to continue to draw, write, and enjoy harmless fantasies involving make-believe children being soundly spanked, you will need to act now and not sit back passively until the knock comes on your door! We need to get this Ohio conviction thrown out before it becomes a legal precedent useful for turning us all into criminals as a result of our otk daydreams! Don't just hide in your closet, Handprints reader! Fight back now!
6 July 2001..New link on the Links Page: Veralsi's World Of OTK Spanking Drawings
5 July 2001 New link on the Links Page: Female Recipients of Corporal Punishment.
4 July 2001. Right.click
and select "open in new window" to visit the new Handprints Comics Character Dialogue Page.
(If you left click instead of right click, theglobe.com
will break your connection after a few minutes L ).
new images.in Drawings
Gallery #50.
29 May 2001..New
link on the Links
Page to Nialos Leaning
Presents, a spanking fiction site.
One new.F.S.T..colorization..in Drawings
Gallery #30
28 May 2001..Seventeen new images.in Drawings Gallery #48.
4 May 2001..Two new links on the Links Page to Susie's Spanking Story Site and Don's Spanking Page. These are story pages with juvenile spanking fiction. Be sure to check the links of each site for other pages of interest.
28 April 2001 Eight new images.in Comics Gallery #7. Eight new images.in Comics Gallery #8. Twenty new images.in Drawings Gallery #49.
27 April 2001 Sixteen new images in Drawings Gallery #48.
7 April 2001..New link to a UK news story of last year: Headmaster Smacked Girls Bare Bottoms.
6 April 2001 A recent study.(Warning:
and boring! Read at your own risk!) examined the use of
spanking as a form of discipline by American mothers of
children aged 6-9. The researchers found that little
girls whose mothers had given them one spanking during the week prior to the beginning of the
study were less well behaved two years later in
comparison with their overall age group. But, little girls
whose mothers had given them two spankings in the previous week showed an improvement
in behavior two years later!
before any mother of a 6-9 year old daughter reaches for her
hairbrush and starts dreaming up pretexts to turn her little
princess across the knee on a twice weekly basis from now on, be
sure to check the other results of this study.
Note that the girls (and boys) who showed the greatest
improvement in behavior over the two years of the
study were the ones whose mothers gave them no spankings at all in the previous week. This just
underscores the basic premise of this website: that a good,
sound spanking is a method of discipline best used on make-believe
little girls rather than real ones.
5 April 2001..One new original poem, Rhiannon's Bedtime.
31 March 2001..New link, Jennifer's Real Life Experiences. Oneimproved version of a pre-existing Annimage in Drawings Gallery #29. One newMr. KD image in Drawings Gallery #8. Twenty new images.in Drawings Gallery #47.
30 March 2001..New link
in the Links
Gallery. Ruth, a real life young woman looks back on her
girlhood, raised by an ultra-strict Christian mother. "If
I even looked at her funny I got a spanking."
But she concludes by saying "My mother is a role model for
the woman I hope to become one day." So when Ruth has
children of her own some day, they'd better be careful
not to look at her funny...
is another new Christian prospanking link,
discussing spanking techniques. It is none other than Ruth's father
giving discipline advice to a parent whom he feels isn't
spanking his children severely enough.
but remember that if your interest in the subject of spanking
makes you a regular reader of Handprints, please save it for your consensual adult
relationships and don't force it on your kids. After all,
I was spanked as a child, and look at how I
turned out! /-:
10 March 2001..One new link in the Links Gallery. By all means, enjoy this page the way our sort always enjoys such pages, but... please don't raise your own real life kids this way. Your child deserves better than to have parents who leave bruises on her bottom and then go on a self-righteous crusade against the child protection agency rather than look into their own hearts and recognize that what they themselves did was wrong. And these kinds of people call us "sick??"
9 March 2001..One new Ann image.in Drawings Gallery #41. New link in the Links Gallery. A bunch of bad links have now been fixed in Drawings Gallery #30. All the images should now be visible.
5 March 2001..Fourteen new Mr. KD images.in Drawings Gallery #8.
3 March 2001..One new image in Comics Gallery #4.
27 February 2001..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #46.
26 February 2001..Two new images in Drawings Gallery #30. One new image inComics Gallery #4. One new animated image in Drawings Gallery #19. Three new Ann images in Drawings Gallery #41.
10 February 2001..What a disgrace how adults misbehave nowadays! It seems as if one can't turn on the TV or open a newspaper anymore without hearing yet another story about a high level 18+ scandal or about some adult Wall Street broker or grown-up postal worker going on a shooting rampage. What this generation of adults needs is firmer discipline from their children! And that is exactly what the new Kids Who Spank Adults website is all about! What's sauce for the gosling is sauce for the goose! J
7 February 2001..Check out this nifty alteration of one of Barb's images. By Spankart. (Your browser must support Java in order to view it.)
6 February 2001..New link, Ricky's Place, a boy spanking story site.
21 January 2001..New link, Girls Spanked By Moms.
14 January 2001..New links, Spanking Pals and "My Personal Page" (someone else's, not mine!).
9 January 2001..New link, Spanking Memories, an unedited story page open to all.
5 January 2001 Two new Ann images in Drawings Gallery #41. Six new images.in Drawings Gallery #44. Twenty new images in.Drawings Gallery #45. One new 3mfd image.in Drawings Gallery #28. Two new images in Comics Gallery #4.
4 January 2001..Three new images in Drawings Gallery #39. One new image in Comics Gallery #4.
3 January 2001..One new link on the links page.
18 December 2000..Comixpank.is starting to get back on its feet again after the last nuking. They now have something akin to the Handprints Bombshelter Pagehere.
16 December 2000..Four new images in Drawings Gallery #44.
15 December 2000..Two new never-before-published stories. ."The Good Lord Told Me To Spank You," and its conclusion, "A Spanking From Daddy." (Best if read in order).
13 December 2000..Three new .images.in Drawings Gallery #44...Four new Ann images.in Drawings Gallery #41.
6 December 2000..Two new Ann images.in Drawings Gallery #41.
2 December 2000..Seven new images.in Drawings Gallery #44.
1 December 2000..New link on the Links Page to the Spanking Story Archive.
29 November 2000..Thirty five George Jackson Churchward images.added to Drawings Gallery #24.
27 November 2000
It took hours and hours deleting and reuploading hundreds of
files, but all galleries should now be accessible, including the Comics,
and Drawingsgalleries
have been down for the past couple of weeks.
Theglobe.com has the most obnoxious
pop-up windows, and is the hardest to navigate of any of the
webhosts Handprints has
inhabited. On the web, theglobe.com
is not exactly prime real estate. However, they have never
nuked us, and they have a reputation for unresponsiveness to
requests for technical support so they may be equally hard for Handprints. haters
to file a complaint about. Also, for this reason, theglobe.com may be less picky
about the sites they'll tolerate - they need to have someone to
look at their ads. If they get to bombard us with enough
pop-up windows, perhaps they won't care if we have drawings of
spankings here as long as we keep looking at their advertising. In
other words I have deliberately located us here in the cyber slums
in the hopes that Handprints
will be left alone for awhile. Being nuked every ten days was getting really
25 November 2000 One new,link on the Links Page.
19 November 2000..The Gateway Page has been redone, now with a couple of George Jackson Churchward images.
17 November 2000..Five new images in Comics Gallery #1. One new image in Comics Gallery #3. Three new images in Comics Gallery #4. Actually, some of these images are not exactly "new," but are cleaned up, enlarged detail from panels already on Handprints. And as you will see, in a couple of cases I took some... "artistic liberties."
10 November 2000..All galleries are now accessible again: Stories, Comics, and Drawings.
9 November 2000..Once again, Handprints has been nuked. Once again, this will be only a temporary setback.
27 October 2000
Handprintsgets nuked
again. This time two different web space providers, nbci.com
and angelfire, deleted all Handprints
pages at about the same time - a coincidence perhaps, but possibly
the result of some sort of campaign. If this is the result
of a campaign, I wonder if the campaigners object to real life
spanking of real life children as much as they apparently
object to harmless artistic renderings thereof?
any rate most of the site is accessible again. All of the Comics
Galleries, all of the Stories,
and 37 out of 41 of the Drawings
Galleries are currently viewable. The remaining four Drawings
Galleries still inaccessible will remain closed until
further notice. I will fix this problem but it may take a
while to get it all done.
24 October 2000..One new Spankart Flash Macromedia Animation in Drawings Gallery #43. You will need the Shockwave Macromedia Flash Plug-in 3.0 or higher to view this animated treatment of a George Jackson Churchward illustration. If you need to download the free plug-in, click here.
19 October 2000..Five new images.in Drawings Gallery #42.
12 October 2000..Fifteen new images.in Drawings Gallery #42. Six new 3mfd images.in Drawings Gallery #28. Two new images.in Comics Gallery #4. Five new F.S.T..colorizations.in Drawings Gallery #30.
23 September 2000..One new image in Comics Gallery #1. Two new images.in Comics Gallery #4.
16 September 2000..Eleven new.F.S.T..colorizations..in Drawings Gallery #30.
6 September 2000..One better quality version of an old image in Drawings Gallery #12. Another better quality version of an old Ann image in Drawings Gallery #6...One new Ann.image in Drawings Gallery #29. Twenty new images.in Drawings Gallery #40...Five new images in Drawings Gallery #39.
4 September 2000..One
new animated image in Drawings
3 September 2000.....................................................In Memoriam
Sadly, Martin Phillips, better known by his pseudonym, "George Jackson Churchward" is no longer with us. Cancer has claimed one of the preeminent artists of our tiny but global subculture. But the images he left us will live on. There can be no doubt that his drawings will still be being discovered and appreciated a century from now, for those with eyes to see. Godspeed, Martin.
27 August 2000. A reader asked about a comic called "Little Debbie" drawn by cartoonist Cecil Jensen in the mid 20th century. If anyone knows anything more about this comic or this character, and especially if you have some some yellowing spanking scenes from this comic tucked away in that bottom drawer you could scan and send, please contact me at the email address at the bottom of this page.
3 August 2000,,(Later on)..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #38...Five new images in Comics Gallery #4.
3 August 2000..One new image in Comics Gallery #2...Eight new images in.Comics Gallery #1.
2 August 2000..One new BeeBee image.in Drawings Gallery #21. Two new F.S.T..colorizations.in.Drawings Gallery #30. Two new.Warmagic. animations.in Drawings Gallery #19. One old/new Handprince story.and.one totally new Handprince story, ."Clara Does The Dishes" and "Clara's Complaint" in Stories Galleries..(The first appeared many years ago in the now-defunct "Domestic Discipline Digest").
26 July 2000..Four new F.S.T..colorizations.in Drawings Gallery #30.
25 July 2000..TTwenty new images in Drawings Gallery #37.
13 July 2000..ITwenty new images in Drawings Gallery #36.
4 July 2000..Tripod.com nukedus in record time so it looks as if theglobe.com will continue to be our home for the time being. One new Ann image in Drawings Gallery #29.
26 June 2000..Five new Ann images.inDrawings Gallery #29.
25 June 2000..Five new David Betula images.in Drawings Gallery #35.
24 June 2000..Five new images in Drawings Gallery #2.
3 June 2000..Forty new images in Drawings Gallery #33 and Drawings Gallery #34. One new image in Drawings Gallery #1.
25 May 2000..Two more images in Drawings Gallery #30.
24 May 2000..Two new F.S.T..colorizations.in Drawings Gallery #30...Twenty Eight new .Ron.images.in Drawings Gallery #32.
2 May 2000..Two new F.S.T...colorizations.in Drawings Gallery #30.
22 April 2000..Happy Earth Day!
One new image.in Comics Gallery #4. Five new images in Drawings Gallery #22. Two new images in Drawings Gallery #25. Fifteen new 3mfd images .in Drawings Gallery #28.
Have you checked out Comixpank's new X/m postcard galleries yet??
16 April 2000..Have you checked out Sassy Bottom's.siteyet?! . :.-.)
13 April 2000..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #31.
6 April 2000..Three new .F.S.T...colorizations..in Drawings Gallery #30.
5 April 2000..Ron has further revised some of his earlier Ron's Revisions. Here are the new versions: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
3 April 2000..Our friends at Xoom have nuked all of the Handprints pages there.
29 March 2000..The Maman spanking memories site is working on a comeback. : - )
27 March 2000..Two new images
in Comics
#1. Two new images
in Comics
#4. One new image inComics
news! The Comixpank.website will
be making a comeback this summer!
:- )
26 March 2000..One new animated image in Drawings Gallery #19. Nine new 3mfd images in Drawings Gallery #28. Seventeen new Ann images in Drawings Gallery #29.
20 March 2000.Twenty new images. in Drawings Gallery #27.
16 March 2000..The bad links in the Comics Page should work now.
12 March 2000..Netscape has nuked the Handprints site. Handprintsnow has a new home for the time being. If you are reading this, then you have arrived. Be sure to update your bookmarks! All the links should work now. If you find any problems, please email me and let me know.
7 March 2000..Forty new Ron images in Drawings Gallery #26.
29 February 2000..One new Ron.image.in Drawings Gallery #18.
28 February 2000..One new Jungleboy.image in Drawings Gallery #21...Nine new Ann.images in. Drawings Gallery #6.
27 February 2000..Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #25. The Homepagehas a new look now thanks to Barb!
14 February 2000.Obsolete links pruned and a couple new links added on the Handprints Links Page. Two new.F.S.T..colorizations.
7 February 2000..One new. Ron.image in Drawings Gallery #18. Two new.images.in Drawings Gallery #15. Two new.Ann.images in Drawings Gallery #6. Six new.Taira Kibato.images in Drawings Gallery #1. Two new. colorizations of George Jackson Churchward.images by F.S.T. in Drawings Gallery #7 and the F.S.T. Colorizations Gallery.
6 February 2000..All Drawings
Galleries previously inaccessible are now open
..............................Twenty new images in Drawings
#22 and twenty new.Ron's Revisions.images in Drawings
30 January 2000 - addendum..Most of the
galleries on the still-inoperative Spanko.net
are now mirrored on Geocities. There are annoying ad banners, but at least
you can look at the pictures! Galleries still not
accessible are F. S. T.'scolorizations, Kessily (Drawings #13) , Ron's Revisions #2(Drawings #18), Animation
#2 (Drawings #19), and Drawings Gallery #20 (Various Artists). All other
galleries should now be accessible. Click on them
from the Drawings
Galleries page. The Handprints
Guestbook is on Spanko.net
and is hence still inaccessible.
..............................Six new Ann.images in Drawings
30 January 2000 Spanko.net is still down! :-( Ten new images in Comics Gallery #3. Two new images in Comics Gallery #4. Five new images in Comics Gallery #6.
27 January 2000..Spanko.net is still down. No idea when it will be fixed - sorry. One new image in Comics Gallery #1. Two new images in Comics Gallery #4 (in the second row from the top).
25 January 2000.Ten new Bee Bee & JungleBoy images(and seven which have previously appeared in other galleries) in Drawings Gallery #21.
24 January 2000.One new Taira Kibato image in Drawings Gallery #1. Five new imagesin Comics Gallery #4. Two new Sassy Bottoms images in Drawings Gallery #8. Eight new Nancyimages in Comics Gallery #5.
20 January 2000.Spanko.net is down again. Hence many of the Drawings Galleries will be inaccessible until they are back up again. Comics and Stories should still be accessible, though. Four new images in Comics Gallery #4. Sixteen new images in Comics Gallery #3.
17 January 2000 One new Kessily.imagein Drawings Gallery #13. One new.Sassy Bottoms.image in Drawings Gallery #2. One newly colorized.image in Drawings Gallery #17. Do you have girl spanking art hidden at the bottom of a drawer somewhere? Send it to [email protected] today in .jpg or .gif format and share it with the world! :- )
12 January 2000 The Comixpank website appears to have been nukedby the spanking-art-hating powers-that-be at Xoom.com. If and when that site finds a new home, there will be a link to it from this page. Keep checking. Another boy-spanking-oriented site on Geocities, Spanking Time, was just nuked a few days ago after only about a week's existence. It is possible that some person or persons unknown is on a crusade to cleanse the web of all juvenile spanking art by surfing our links and then sending outraged email messages to webspace providers. If so, Handprints may be next. Be sure to bookmark the Handprints Emergency Page right nowin case Netscape deletes this current site! This page will contain news about the new Handprints location. And there willbe a new location!
8 January 2000 Spanko.net is back. Two new images in Comics Gallery #4. Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #20.
6 January 2000 <groan!> Spanko.net is down again. I have no idea how long. The comics gallery links in the 5 January entry below should work now, as I have uploaded the new galleries to Handprints'Geocities site. Drawings Galleries #18 and #19 are still unavailable because I am out of disk space on Geocities. Two new images in Comics Gallery #4.
5 January 2000 One new image in Comics Gallery #1. Six new images in Comics Gallery #4.
1 January 2000 Two new animatedimages in Drawings Gallery #19. Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #18. Be sure to visit and bookmark the Handprints Emergency Page, so that if the main Handprints site ever gets nuked, you can find out where it has moved to.
31 December 1999 Spanko.netis back again (finally!). All Galleries should now be accessible, including the new images posted on Dec 18th but inaccessible until now due to my incompetence for which I deserve to be... well, you know...
19 December 1999 Three new animated images in Drawings Gallery #14.
18 December 1999 Two new images in Comics Gallery #2. Four new images in Comics Gallery #4. Twenty new imagesin Drawings Gallery #17.
5 December 1999
Twenty new images in Drawings
#16 - "Ron's Revisions #1."
advent of the world wide web and the widespread dissemination of
art in digital form has made it possible for anyone with a Paint
program to colorize and/or alter existing art without damaging the
originals. Ron has done both
- colorizing girl spanking art and altering boy-spanking art to
*/f. Before any original artists get mad about stuff like
this, remember that this is all just hobbyists having a good time,
with no one making a buck off of anyone else's copyright.
Relax and accept the variations on your creations as the sincere
form of flattery which they are.
Two new images in Comics
21 November 1999 The rumor that Ann has died.is fortunately false! She is still with us. :- )
13 November 1999 New animated image in Drawings Gallery #14. Twenty new imagesin Drawings Gallery #15.
7 November 1999Three newimages in Drawings Gallery #1.
30 October 1999 For fans of F. S. T.'s colorizations, all of the images he has colorized which have appeared thus far on Handprints are on view in F. S. T. Colorizations Gallery. Two new images in Drawings Gallery #7.
15 October 1999 One new George Jackson Churchward image in Drawings Gallery #7. Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #12. Twelve new Kessily images in Drawings Gallery #13.
6 October 1999 Five new images in Comics Gallery #1. One new image in Comics Gallery #2. One new image in Comics Gallery #3. Four new images in Comics Gallery #4.
5 October 1999 Two new Taira Kibatoimages in Drawings Gallery #1. Two new Ann images in Drawings Gallery #6.
25 September 1999 Two new color versions of images in Drawings Gallery #2. Two new images in Drawings Gallery #6. Two new imagesin Drawings Gallery #7.
20 September 1999 <groan of weariness> Okay... I think everything is fixed now! If anyone finds bad links, please let me know.
16 September 1999 A Kessily gallery is in the planning stages. Two images by Kessily have been removed and replaced by one new image in Drawings Gallery #5 and one new image in Drawings Gallery #11. Also, there are two new images in Drawings Gallery #2. It looks as if xoom.com has once again nuked the site. If you get screens saying you are "forbidden" to access that page or screens saying the file can't be found, please be patient. I am fixing this mess as fast as I can!
11 September 1999_Two new images in Comics Gallery #1. One new image in Comics Gallery #2. Two new images in Drawings Gallery #6. Twenty new images in Drawings Gallery #11.
6 September 1999
It's Labor Day and HandPrince has been laboring. A bunch of
bad links are now fixed. Thanks to the people who pointed
them out and apologies to those who experienced frustration.
Yes, that's right... people
are actually surfing this website for the first time!
It wasn't the Spanking Webring
listing, but the link from Nobbin's
Cartoon Spanking Pagewhich has given so many people
their first look at Handprints. Thanks Nobbin! : )
One new image
in Comics
4 September 1999
An original new
story, Aimee's
First Spanking, based upon a breathtakingly excellent
eleven-drawing series by George Jackson
Churchward. Please be patient while the story
and its associated images load.
Twenty new images in Drawings
1 September 1999 The Spanking Webring accepts Handprints' listing as a netscape.net site. If you are reading this today, that is probably how you got here. Enjoy!
26 August 1999 After four days and
nights of transfering Handprints' 400+ files onto Netscape's site one by one
through Netscapes' primitive file manager, Handprints
now exists as a netscape.net site, permitting another attempt to
join theSpanking Webring.
Hopefully, a Netscape site will be more acceptable than a
Geocities site...
One new image in Drawings
#6. This image depicts Anne's
inner child after receiving a well-deserved thrashing for drawing
her charming images on cheap, lined writing paper instead of
proper drawing paper. Young lady, I hope you
have learned your lesson! No more lined paper! Is that
Four new images in Drawings
22 August 1999 Handprints attempts to join the Spanking Webring but is rejected on
the grounds that Geocities websites are no longer welcome on the
Two new images in Comics
#1, including one in which Little
Audrey gets it on the bare.
18 August 1999_Two new
images in Comics
#1. One new image in Comics
#2. Two new images in Comics
#4. Eight new images in Drawings
#9. Xoom.com rudely deletes the entire site without
12 August 1999 A new Sassy Bottomsgallery
with eighteen new images. Five new
images in Drawings
#5. Two_new_Taira Kibato images in Drawings
#1. One new image in Comics
#4. Twelve new
images in Drawings
#9. All thumbnails in all galleries have been
replaced so as to make the galleries load faster (whew!).
10 August 1999......Four
original stories debut on the
Page: "My
Cousin Audrey," set in America in the 1950's, "Edith's
New Governess," set in Edwardian England, "If
Tom Hadn't Been Noble," set in Hannibal, Missouri in the
mid-19th century (with apologies to Samuel Clemens), and "Suzie
Gets A Spanking," set in America in the 60's.
George Jackson Churchward drawings have been reorganized into two smaller
galleries rather than one large one. Drawing
#3 contains G.J.C. images colorized by Handprnz. Drawing
#7 contains images colored by the artist himself or by
others. One
image has been added to Drawing
6 August 1999 The Handprints Spanking Art & Stories page is born. Comics
galleries include Little
Audrey, Little
Dot, and others. Drawings.galleries featureTaira
Kibato, George
Churchward and other artists. No stories yet.